S2 Ep6 : Halloween

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Halloween, a day I somehow was really looking forward to and also was dreading. I love the scary stuff and the costumes and the people. What I hate about Halloween is our family. Every year Mom and Dad act like complete maniacs and basically force us to play a character in the horror house or whatever you want to call it.

This year the theatre club was hosting a talent show on Halloween and everyone was looking forward to it. I was doing a show with Megan. We are going to do a improv show, I know people highly dislike improv but it is a good method to practise being spontaneous.

"Hannah! Do you have a costume?" Mom yelled. "Yes I do!" In fact I had a group costume, it wasn't really scary but it was cute. My friends and I were dressed as the Ghostbusters.

Later in the day I left to go prepare for the talent show.

"Okay so, we start with Hannah and Megan with their improv. They will encourage people to join in. After a couple of people Anthony is up. A couple of more people will join in -we hope- and finally Indy and Jasper will go last. After that Hannah and Megan get back up and pick a winner and tell people to leave donations for our club," Mr Owen explained the program for the show.

Even later on that day the talent show was about to start. I saw a lot of people come sit on the benches we had set up outside. I think that about 70% of people was family of the kids, but luckily there were also strangers that came. Lastly I saw the entire family come in.

"Ready?" I asked Megan. "Ready". We walked up the make shift stage and Megan and mine family clapped and cheered loudly. "Okay so, we are going to do an improv bit so we need ideas!" I yelled into the crowd. (Since I have never seen or done improv, it might be a bit weird for me to write this part. I highly encourage you to write in the comment and if someone is so nice and willing to do that I will copy paste it into the story and I will give you credit of course. Sorry for skipping this part.)
After the improv we bowed and Megan spoke: "Ladies and gentlemen and kids and whatever, we want you guys to come and join us in this talent show. We will pick a winner at the end and they will get a prize!" "Yes, so if you feel like you got a special talent, come join us on stage!" I continued.

At first there was only murmur in the crowd but a few seconds later Uncle Cam stood up and joined us. "What is your name?" I asked, which was weird but it was just for the crowd. "Hello everybody my name is Cam," Uncle Cam smiled into the crowd. "Hey, Cam, what will you be doing?" Megan asked. "I will be signing a song," He beamed. "Everyone give it up for Cam!" I yelled as I began clapping with everyone else.
When he was in the middle of the song I had an idea. I walked into the crowd and grabbed Uncle Mitch's hand. "What are you doing?" He asked worried. "Come on, it'll be fun. Join your boyfriend." "Fine," He said as he walked up kind of tense. "Everybody Mitchell!" I yelled and everyone clapped along. You could see Mitchell relaxing as he started singing.
"Everybody Cam and Mitchell!" Megan yelled when they were finished. "Who wants to go next?" I yelled.

Rather quickly, a boy/dude named Owen walked up the stage. He was going to do stand up comedy, which was surprisingly very funny. After that, Anthony performed his bit.

After him a girl named Ellie performed a dance routine with her best friend Sheila. "Everyone give it up for this fantastic duo!" I yelled.

Then a girl named Keira sang another song and then Dad performed a failed magic trick, which he tried to play of as funny. Luckily, that worked.

Finally, Indy and Jasper performed their dance routine and then Megan and I climbed back on the make shift stage. "Thank you for coming to our talent show and a special thanks for all our contestants!" I said. "Can they please join us on the stage?" Megan asked. First, Dad, Uncle Cam and Uncle Mitch came. Then Keira, then Owen, Ellie and Sheila came on. And lastly, Indy, Jasper and Anthony joined from behind the stage.

"First of all, you all did amazing," I said with a big smile on my face. "I couldn't agree more, but there has to be a winner," Megan continued. "So, before we announce the winner we want to ask you if you could give us a donation," Megan said. "Yes, you don't have to give us something, but if you liked this we hope you do. That is because we can do more things like this if we have a larger budget. Once again, do not feel like you have to donate, but now back to the contest," I said. "Yes, the winner is....... Ellie and Sheila!" Megan yelled. "Yes, but since you all did so great you all get a little something," I said and Mr Owen walked toward the contestants and handed them all a bag of chips.

"Thank you for coming, good night!" Megan and I yelled as everyone walked away. And luckily, 90% of people were generous enough to donate to our theatre club.

All by all, it was a great Halloween.

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