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Wrapping my arms around myself I sit in the chair by the window in the living room. Pulling a white fluffy blanket around my shoulders to fight off the evening chill. I hadn't heard anything from Seth or Olly in a couple of days. Even Sammy seemed to be radio silent. Plaiting my dark hair to the side I let it dangle down over my shoulder and lifting my feet up on the chair to hug my knees I watch the sun set behind a group of old houses across the street.

My symptoms had subsided a little, apart from a burning ache in my chest. It felt like loneliness. The ache seemed to make me tired and yearn for something, anything to clear it so I could breathe more easily. I'd never felt anything like it. A sweet bitterness that bewildered me.

A ping from my iPhone brought me out of my painful daydream. Collecting it from the kitchen table I check my messages.

Rosie, how are you feeling?

It was Sammy.

A little better. What's been happening?

I assumed she had been informed by Seth about his orders to stay put until he returned.

Seth has called a few other packs that he knows, Gage has been arguing with him none-stop. He wants to see you.

Why can't he?

We've been told that whatever is happening could be contagious.

I don't have a disease.

How do you know?

Because it doesn't feel that way.

Tell me?

What was I meant to say? It made me incredibly horny anytime I was around Seth or Olly? So much so I changed whenever and wherever without any warning.

I can't describe it.

A knock at the door startled me. My phone flying from my hands and on to the floor at my feet. Cursing, I put it back on the table - ignoring the huge crack - and open the front door to find Olly. Hovering over me in a leather jacket, checkered red shirt and jeans. His hair framing his handsome face. His smile on meeting my eyes made me shiver. The ache, instead of easing like I'd hoped, worsened. The heat hotting up to a temperature that made me gasp.
"You shouldn't be here." I fanned myself, trying to cool my flushed cheeks. Olly's brows furrowed and his smile faltered as he took in my sudden discomfort.
"I'm not part of your pack. Seth doesn't have any rule over me." He walked in, closing the door behind him and locking it. His body moving gracefully across the floor like a hunting wolf despite his size.

Boldly, I turn my back on him trying to keep my focus on calming the painful throb that was swiftly moving through my body. Closing my eyes I try to regain control as my breathing quickens, my pulse races and my teeth elongated to fangs. "Please, don't do this to me." I gasp, clutching at my chest as strong arms wrap around my waist and Olly buries his face into my hair. He breathes me in and slowly breathes out as he whispers, "I want you, Rosalie."
"You don't understand," I croak.
"I understand I want you to live with me, bare my pups and share a life with me. Is that so bad?" He moves back, his voice filled with hurt. His hands grasp my shoulders and turn me to face him. His features contort into distress as he finally sees my fangs and eyes, "What's happening?"

"I'm changing," I cry. "I can't control it. Everyone is trying to find help but so far..." I shake my head as my voice breaks.
"When did it start?" His arms wrap around me, holding me against his strong chest for support. His jacket is cool against my flushed cheek and I close my eyes enjoying the smooth coolness and the smell of leather. "Two nights ago."

He held me through everything. Every painful recollection of that night, every sudden intake of breath as the heat burned inside my belly. He didn't say a word until I'd finished and even then he simply held me tighter, "I'll make some calls. And I'll talk to Seth tonight."

RosalieWhere stories live. Discover now