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The smell of pancakes made my nose twitch. Blinking my eyes open I take in the chaos of my surroundings: bedsheets strewn everywhere, curtains wide open with the offensive sunlight beaming down on my face to give me a raging headache.
My hands automatically traced the outlines of my body and I smile when I realise I was human again. But the smile faltered when my thoughts returned to the absurdity of the events of last night. The pain, the fear and the soothing masculine hands that felt like heaven running over me.
Remembering Seth, I quickly snatch the blanket up around my naked body and tip toe to peer out of the room and into the living room beyond. There, with his back to me, was Seth stood in the open plan kitchen cooking. He moved around with a confident grace as he searched for utensils, then completed a pancake flip which Gordon Ramsey would be proud of.
Startling me he calls, "breakfast will be in five."
"O-okay," I stammer, blushing wildly as I return to my bedroom to pull on some clothes.

Stepping out in a black shirt and a pair of leggings I tie my dark hair up in a messy bun as I approach the table. It was already set up and piled high with fruit, pancakes, coffee, tea, juices and bacon. I was in awe. Of all the people to be so thoughtful and kind, Seth had always been the last on my list. He was sat drinking his coffee as I neared. Respectfully, I waited for my alpha to permit me to join him with a bow of his head then sat at his side. He looks at me over his coffee as he sees me hesitate to start eating. "Something wrong?"
"No." I shake my head.
"Thought you loved pancakes?" He tilts his head. Inspecting me. Giving him a reassuring smile I reach for the honey and begin pouring some onto my pile of pancakes.
"I do," I grin at a memory of my Mum yelling at Sammy and me for fighting over the very last pancake. "I'm just surprised." I begin to eat and the perfection in my mouth was to die for!
"Oh?" He pours me a coffee and then refills his own cup. Since when was Seth such a gentleman?
"I'm not used to seeing you like this?" I wave at the food on the table and he frowns. Taking a sip of his coffee he seems to take a moment to collect his thoughts before he sets his cup down and meets my eye. "I am more than just your alpha, Rosalie. I'm also a man." With a cheeky smile he adds teasingly, "same as you keep reminding me that you're not just a female wolf."

"How did you know I like pancakes?" I ask, taking a sip of juice. "The only people who know that are my litter mates."
"Rosalie," he smirks. His hand moving to rest on mine that had paused mid-air. "I know you better than you think I do."
"But, how?" I shake my head in disbelief. "You barely speak to me."
"I'm an alpha." He chuckles with a blush after a brief moment, sitting back in his seat. "I make it my business to know everyone."

"What happened last night?" I mumble, after I finish eating. "Why did I change?" I looked to him for reassurance and wisdom, but the creases in his brow and the narrowing of his eyes told me all I needed to know: he knew nothing. I explained every symptom, every detail, every feeling. Everything that could be useful. In the end he told me that he would need to make a few calls. My heart fell. What had happened had shaken me. So much so I was scared it would happen again. And that fizz of fire between us from the night before was still there. Still attracting me like a moth to a flame. I could feel it intensify with every touch, every look. Every nerve ending was on high alert.
"Why do I feel like this?"
"Like what?" He asks, moving closer. His blue eyes darkening as his hands take mine. His thumbs rubbing over my knuckles sending tingles shooting up my arms and adding a blush to my cheeks.
"This heat." I whisper, my eyes searching his. Desperately seeking answers. "I felt it last night before I turned but it was different. I was in agony."
His hands tightened a little on mine and he sits upright. "It hurt that badly?"
"Yes." I nod. "I had a fever then so much pain took over I couldn't move then that's when the change happened. Do you think it's related?"
"I don't know. But I can find out." He gets to his feet. Moving to pull on his jacket before heading for the door.
Instinctively I grasp his hand and hold him back. When he turns his eyes are wide in surprise and his lips thin in concern. A small charge sparks across from his skin to mine. "I don't want to be alone." I admit. His body relaxes as his hand gives mine a soft squeeze. "I'll be back in a few hours. Until then I want you to rest and keep this door locked. Is that understood?"
"Yes, alpha." My hand drops in disappointment just as my heart does. But noticing his features soften as his lips press against my forehead tenderly. They linger for a moment as his fingers toy with a strand of my dark hair before he whispers "bye, love." And he moves down the stairs and out of sight.

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