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The shift was coming to a close. At four in the morning most of the customers had left drunk in taxis. Only leaving a few more to tumble out of the door. I'd finished cashing up and locking up by the time the pack had gathered around Seth and his throne, listening intently as he told them about the plans for tomorrow. Picking up my handbag I put it into the safe for safe keeping while out on the run. Every Saturday night was the same. Work, run and then home and sleep.

Gage, Sammy and Roman were at the front, starting to strip off their clothes. Seth had bought the club just outside the city, beyond the fence around the club sat acres of forest. Fresh and green from that evenings rain. I watched as each man and woman fell to all fours, writhing in pain as their bones cracked and moved into place. Their hair sprouting from all over their bodies. Seth took centre stage as he stepped forth. A magnificent black beast with a white ear. His dark fur shiny and thick.

Sammy approached me as I came from around the bar to the group of wolves. I ran my fingers through her soft light fur as she looked at me with piercing, concerned eyes. "I'm coming Sammy, don't worry." I say to reassure her as she whined softly and nudged her muzzle into the back of my thigh. Standing the only human amongst the pack of wild animals around me, I lift my black t shirt and toss it aside. Then my bra, letting it slide down my arms and fall to the floor. My large, heavy breasts hanging as I lean over to slip and step out of my jeans. Feeling eyes on me I peek up. Seeing blue eyes staring right back. They didn't move from mine. Seth was watching me. The wolf licked his lips and I shiver. Closing my eyes to concentrate on changing forms. I felt my shoulder crack and I fell to all fours in a scream of pain. My body convulsing as each bone, muscle and ligament moved to transform into that of a raven wolf. My fur tinted with a shock of blue. My green eyes brighter, wilder, hungrier. They stared back at the black wolf. Seth stared right back, before lifting his chin to howl. The permission to run. No one hesitated. We bolted. And hunted.

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