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The crisp breeze ruffled my dark fur as I ran through the mesh gate and into the trees beyond. My legs pumped me forward as fast as they could go. The moon glowing down through the gaps of the leaves. My eyes could see every little detail of my surroundings, my nose picked up every little scent around me and my ears could hear my family in the distance. The growls, snaps of jaws and licks of tongues while they fought over the biggest piece of meat on a kill.
The smell made my mouth water but I kept going. Trotting along calmly enjoying the peace of the evening. Being outside, in my true form, away from stuffy offices was what I lived for.

Coming to a nearby lake I lean in and take a drink. Enjoying the refreshing buzz of the water as it parches my thirst from the panting on the run. My nose twitches and my ears prick up as an unfamiliar smell wafts through the night air. A rustling in the trees behind me makes my head spin around and my lips raise in a snarl as glowing brown eyes stare back at me from the bushes. I move defensively. Keeping my body focused on the other wolf as it emerges from the undergrowth. It's big, a dusty brown with dark ears and a white snout. This wolf was new. And male.

His eyes stay on me as he moves closer licking his lips. His eyes roam over me and I slip as I try to move back. I was blocked by the lake and there was no way across. The lake spread across the entire area and ended in a drop from a waterfall which led deeper into the woods. A fall like that would kill me. I was stuck and had one choice. Fight back.

His snout moved to sniff at my body but I snapped my jaws in warning. Jumping away and turning to meet his gaze head on as a threat. His eyes twinkle at me in amusement before he launches at me. Gripping the back of my neck with his jaws and attempting to mount my body. I move and wiggle trying to force him off. Rolling around and stamping on his back paws to see if it would help me to get loose. But it only made his grip tighten on my neck and I whimper. The burning pain from the sharp teeth digging into my flesh making me dizzy. Desperately, I try to twist and snap my jaws at him as cries of pain and fear echo through the trees. My sight darkens as the shock and dizziness becomes too much but I still try to keep fighting. The clack of my jaws beginning to cause an ache throughout the muscles of my face.

Then I'm free. I'm laying on my side on the muggy ground, panting to try and keep awake. I watch helplessly as the wolves of Seth and Olly tear out fur of the unknown wolf. I hear its cries, its blood gush from open wounds and its heart beating before everything turns to silence. My eyes roll in relief and drowsiness until gentle, warm licks on my nose and eyes attempt to wake me. Blinking my eyes I see the black wolf's tongue licking my nose in worry while Olly sniffs and licks at the wound on my neck. Another familiar scent catches my attention and Sammy comes in to view beside Seth. Joining in with the licking of my nose.

I attempt to sit up and manage to get to my shaky feet. My legs wobble as we slowly return to the club but neither alphas or my siblings leave my side until I'm sat in my office, encased in a blanket and sipping tea as Sammy tends to my wounds.
"What a bastard!" She cries as she stitches the gash on the back of my lower neck.
"Who was he?" I croak as I put my cup to my lips and gently sip. The ache in my jaw was still throbbing but not as much as my pride. I had never been a fighter. I'd tried to learn but in the end I was just hopeless at throwing a punch.
"One of Olly's," she snipped the stitch thread then began to cover my wound with dressing. "Someone called Grant. Olly said he'd been desperate for a mate for a while."
"No excuse."
"Exactly. And he picked the wrong one!" She moved to sit on my desk to face me. "Jesus, he did a number on you." That he did. A gash in my neck, claw marks over my ribs and hips and bruises galore.
"How did they find me?"
"Seth and Olly." I take another sip of tea as Sammy adjusted the blanket around my shoulders.
"They said they'd smelt your blood."
"They found me pretty quickly." I mumble sleepily, sitting back in my chair.
"Seth said he had smelt your blood and followed the scent, but came across Olly doing the same thing. Together they heard you in pain and tracked you down." She paused, crossing her arms as she ticked it over in her head. "They also said that they didn't know why but they felt a need to find you. Like, in a life or death way." She shrugged. "You're probably better off asking them. I'm just happy you're alright."

Giving her a smile and raising my cup I say, "I'm as right as rain."
"Sure you are," she rolls her eyes. "But seriously, are you alright?"
I nod, then instantly regret it as my head begins to thump in time with my heart. "Apart from a migraine coming on, I'm alright."
"Rosie, you were almost forced mated. Are you sure you don't need to talk?" She peers into my eyes and I nod getting to my feet, wrapping my free arm around her to pull her into a hug. "I'm just happy it wasn't you."
"Don't be silly. I'd gladly take a bullet for you!" She hugs me tighter and I wince. "Oh god, sorry."
"I'm good. But I need sleep." I put my cup down and pull the blanket tighter around me. "And my clothes." Sammy smiles and kisses my cheek, "I'll go get them then give you a ride home."

I'd just finished putting on my jeans when a knock at the door startled me. Crashing into my desk, sending stationary flying everywhere, I curse and quickly reply with a "yes?"
"Rosie?" Seth stood at the door as I straightened up and picked up my bag from the floor. Pulling my dark hair forward to hide the bruised half of my face I clear my throat, "I'm alright."
His eyes narrowed and he closed the door behind him. He had dressed in his clothes again: a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. Exhaling, he moves the hair from my face and tidies it over my shoulders. Taking in my wounds his blue eyes search my face, "you don't have to keep things from me."
"I'm not."
"Rosalie, I felt, smelt and heard your fear in those woods. You were terrified."
"I fought back," I squeaked. Suddenly feeling like a naughty child about to receive a spanking for telling tales and needing to defend myself.
"You did." He nodded, almost proudly as his lips twitched.
"I didn't win though." My body slumped in disappointment. My pride had taken a thorough beating, not just my body and soul.
"What's important is that you held him at bay until I found you. If you hadn't it might've been a lot worse." His fingers gently tilted up my face so my eyes met his. "Now, tell me, really, are you alright?"
"No." I shake my head. Tears forming at my eyes and threatening to spill over. My hands shaking at my sides. "I'm not." I burst into tears and fling myself into his arms. He envelops me against his large chest, resting his cheek against my head, whispering, "I got you."

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