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The room was hotter than the fires of hell. Tossing and turning, I found it impossible to sleep. My pale pink bed sheets were soaked, my hair stuck to my face and chest. A sharp pain in my ribs made me sit straight up to grasp at my body with a cry. Nausea hits me like a bullet to the gut and I gag. The pain glides over my chest to the other side of my rib cage.
"Fuck!" Gasping for breath I crawl from the bed onto  all fours. Watching in horror as my hands, sunk into the cream carpet, turn into claws.

I'd never changed alone, in my own home and in so much pain before. Something was wrong. My body felt shattered with each crack and adjustment of a bone and muscle. My elongating fangs felt like they were about to fall out onto the floor. In a panic I fumble for my phone from the bedside table and punched the first number I saw.
"I need you. It hurts so much! What's happening to me!" I scream, another crack and shift. This time my shoulder blades. In pain, I drop the phone crying in despair as I see it fly out of reach. The voice shouting my name from the other line.
"Seth!" I manage to roar as my cries turn to growls and whimpers.
Squeezing my eyes closed, I pray for it to be over. My wolf form laid flat on my bedroom floor. The pain subsided but everything hurt and ached. My ribs throbbed with each breath I took.

Had something happened to me during the attack? Had the unknown wolf been infected with something or was this something different?

It wasn't long before I could hear a car pull up outside and a raging Seth battering at my door. Every inch of me wanted to move but none of my limbs would work. I only managed to whine, knowing he would hear me.
"Rosie?" His voice echoes in my head before a crack sounded. Footsteps rushed my way and, finally, soothing and gentle hands were trailing themselves through my fur as he knelt by my side. "Who did this to you?" He asked, knowing in this form I couldn't give him an answer. Not that I had any knowledge of any kind to tell him.
He hands moved up to my ears, his eyes searching for any injuries as his fingers toyed with my fur. Parting it not and then for a more thorough search. "You know you shouldn't change alone." He scolded. I huff in response. Not like I had a choice!
"When you change back we need to talk about this."
Something we finally agree on!

Carefully he gathers me into his arms and lays me back on my bed sitting beside me with his legs outstretched and a pillow behind his head. My green eyes are fixed on him as he moves the blanket up over me then sits back. His arms crossed and his eyes flicking to the door protectively every once in a while.
"I'm surprised you called." He sighed. "I thought after what happened earlier you'd want to be as far away as possible."
How I wish I could tell him I feel the opposite. I needed my alpha!
"I'm sorry." He goes on, his eyes staring at the window opposite the bed, dreamily. "You're not a prize and I had no right to sell you - as you see it - I did what I thought was best for the pack. I hope you can forgive me for that, Rosie. As you know, I'm not a very emotional, affectionate, wolf." He finally meets my gaze. His face stern but his eyes gentle. "I want you to know that you can come to me. If you need me."
Moving my head a little I manage to lean it into his lap. He plays with my fur and ears for a while in silence as we listen to the cars and sirens of the London nightlife. His strong, calloused fingers delicately fingering my ears and snout that I can't help but sigh in pleasurable contentment. The heat of his body soothes my joints and my body finally relaxes, drifting off to sleep.

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