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Her scream pierces my ears. The overpowering force of her perfume mixed with the metallic tang of her blood makes me want to vomit. So much so I let go and watch as she clings to her shoulder. Her hands clawing at the open wound desperately trying to stop the bleeding. My body moves to finish her off but I pause as I see the fear in her widening eyes. The look of horror on her paling features haunts me. My bones crack as my fur and jaws retract and soon enough I'm human again and naked before the woman who I had just attacked and almost murdered.

Snatching a towel from the bar I press down on her gushing shoulder. "Keep pressure on it," I panic. Moving to grasp the neck of a whiskey bottle, open it and pour the dark liquid over the wound to disinfect it then reapplying pressure. Foxy watches me cautiously as she cries and gasps in pain. Her hands covering mine to hold the towel in place. "You could of killed me," she states.
"I could have." I mumble, focusing on keeping the towel pressed down as hard as I could. "But I didn't."
"Why?" She croaks. A spark of pink begins to flush her cheeks. The bleeding was slowing.
"Before you I'd never hurt anyone. I turn, hunt rabbits and go home."
"I wasn't joking. I would've killed you and I'm human." She pauses. "You're a werewolf. Isn't it against your nature not to kill?"
I dig my fingers into her wound, making her cry out and her body stiffen. I lean in close to her face so she could hear and understand every word, "I may be an animal, but I'm not a monster. I hunt to eat nothing more. When you attacked me you were going to kill me. I fought back to survive."
"Bullshit!" She coughs. "You wanted to. I saw it in your eyes."
"The difference between you and me, Foxy, is I will not fight or kill for a man. Human or wolf. I would rather be alone than kill. Especially for someone who doesn't love me in return." I move the towel to check on the bleeding as I mumble, "that's just dumb."
"So I'm dumb?" She snaps.
"Yes." I say, then add quickly, "the bleeding has stopped but you'll need stitches. Give me a minute and I'll go get the first aid kit from my office."

Once in the office I quickly pull on a shirt of Seth's from his locker and tie my hair back into a messy bun. I'd just bent over to grab the first aid kit from the bottom drawer of my desk when a hot, sticky sensation caught my attention. Glancing down I see the neck of a bottle sticking out of my side. Stunned, I turn awkwardly to find Foxy standing behind me with a sneer, "stupid bitch. You should of killed me."

I seemed to hit the ground in slow motion. My hands clutching at my side to slow the bleeding. It was a strange sensation. My head was floaty, my body so numb from the pain I couldn't feel my lips as I tried to call for help. The words came out but as a small, gasping breath.
"I always hated you," I hear Foxy say somewhere in the thick fog. "Seth was always looking at you, protecting you. Sickened me." I hear her move around me. The patter of her feet moving away as she roamed my office. "I thought he loved me. Maybe with you gone he'll see it."
"What?" I ask in a small gasp.
"That he loves me." She spits down at me, "not you!"
"He," I cough, "doesn't."
"Oh, come on Rosie!" She cries, bending down and gripping my hair in her hand. "He's been in love with you for years. When we fuck, he fucks me but I don't think he's actually there, you know?" She shakes her hand, making my head sway violently before letting me go with a slam. The back of my head hits the wooden floor with a crack and I shriek.
"Rose?" Calls a voice and I start to scream.

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