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I woke up to the sound of growling. Blinking my eyes slowly open I notice how hot I am. Overwhelmingly so. I move a little then stop as I feel skin brushing against my back. I sniff the air and immediately stiffen as another growl comes from behind me. I slide away and in a flash I'm crouched staring at a very relaxed, a very naked sleeping Seth. My eyes widen and my stomach flips as I watch him growl in his sleep. His top lip riding up a little to bare a set of white teeth. "Fuck." I spit in a whisper. I move to leave, but something stops me. Tilting my head I lean in to move a piece of dark hair from his brow and run my fingertips lightly over his dark, peppered sideburn that melts into his stubble. I'd never been so close before. I'd never touched him. I thought I never would. But here I was. My lips curl up in a small smile at the contact of his whiskers tickling my fingertips. He was so very handsome. Shame about his mouth. My head thought. So much beauty stained by arrogance. I move away. Standing to peer around at my surroundings. The club was in sight between a cluster of trees in the distance. The sun wasn't too high yet. It was still morning. There was a nip to the air but luckily, being a wolf, I ran at a higher temperature. I jog towards the club. Hoping my clothes and handbag were still where I'd left them. The leaves of autumn crunched beneath my feet as I ran. Hopping over fallen trees and thick branches and foliage as I got closer to the metal mesh fence. Dipping under the hole we had ran through, I quickly jog to the door and walk in.

Silence. No one was in yet. Thank god. It meant no questions. I hurried to the throne. Snatching my clothes up and pulling them on. Practically running to my car in the empty car park after grabbing my bag from the safe. Only pausing when the engine was on. My eyes darted each corner of the car park. Searching for a pair of startling blue eyes. But none came. Relief flooded me. I relaxed and pulled out onto the road. Making my way home.


What happened to you?

Sammy messaged as soon as I got out of the shower. I stared at the keyboard. Biting my lip as I considered whether telling her where I had woken up that morning. Of all the places to wake up, in the arms of my alpha was not all bad. But how it happened I didn't know. As soon as the wolf took over my mind had gone blank. I remember hunting, eating. But that was all.

I'm sorry. Something happened and I needed to think.


Can you come over?

Of course. I'll be there in 5.

Bring a donut, k?

That bad, huh?

You have no idea.

Sammy was a woman of her word. She arrived in five minutes and brought more than one donut. We tucked in with each a coffee and got comfortable amongst the fluffy pink pillows of my sofa. Resting her feet on me she studied my face. "Lay it on me."
My wild blush was evident as I cleared my throat. "I woke up this morning, naked...with Seth."
Her eyes widened, and a flash of emotion crossed her face so fast she began to grin. "Oh my god!" She squealed. "You did not!" Flecks of donut flew everywhere as she laughed.
"It's not funny!" I tried to hold back my own laughter. "I have no idea how I got there!"
"What did you do?"
"I left him."
"Asleep in the forest?" She howled at my obvious mortification.
"What else could I do?" I exclaimed. My hands in the air defensively.
"Wake him up?" She laughed, giving me a kick in the leg.
"Do you think he'd notice it was me?" I blush covering my face.
"He know's everyone Rosie!" She grins over at me from behind her donut. "He knows everyones scent just like we do. You are so in hot water."
"Oh god." I flop back on the sofa. My embarrassment making me tremble. What do I do? What do I say? What did we do?
"Did you shag him?" Sammy must of read my mind.
"I have no idea." I say from behind my hands.
"Well, when you remember you need to tell me every juicy detail." She moves her attention to her donut. "We need to get ready for the Americans." She chews.
I nod, remembering. "Yeah. Are you wearing anything in particular?"
"Oh yeah, I forgot it was a fancy function thing tonight for them."
"Seth likes to entertain."
"You would know, wouldn't you." She wiggles her eyebrows at me as she sips her coffee and I throw a small pillow at her giggling. The coffee tips onto her dress and she squeals in distress. "Oh no!"
"Come on, I guess we better go shopping."

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