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My eyes slowly flickered open as I felt a pair of soft lips pressed against mine, only to see him that is sitting on the edge of the bed, caging me between the bed and his figure. " Morning.. " He whispered against my lips then pecked the corner of it before leaning away, examining my face.

I carved a small yet sweet smile, reaching my hand up to his cheek and caressed it softly. " Morning, Chim.. " My eyes trailed down to his outfit then to up to the clock on the wall. Oh, so I'm not going to school today..? He'll usually wake me up earlier. " You're not going to school. You need to rest. "

As if he can read my mind, he spat out while brushing the strands of my messy hair off my face. I nodded my head then connected my eyes with his hazel ones, staring deeply into it. " I'm sorry.. " I muttered then slowly sat up, giving his flawless cheek a sweet peck on the way.

" For what, hmm ? "

" For raising my voice yesterday.. And for giving you a silent treatment.. "

I muttered, tilting my head as I looked at him. I gave him a silent treatment last night. He tried talking to me as soon as he got home but being the emotional teen I was, I ignored him the whole night, resulting a guilty me. He shot me his infamous eye-smile then tugged a strand of hair behind my ear.

" It's okay, baby girl. I'm not mad. "

We talked for a few minutes until he stood up from the bed, giving me a kiss on the forehead before stepping out of the bedroom after waving me goodbye. The smile that is carved on my lips slowly faded as I looked away, my teeth nibbling with my bottom lip. 

Okay, now I need a plan.

Few Hours Later..

I wandered back and forth while my eyes are fixed on the handphone in my hands. I bit my lips slightly, looking up from it before stuffing it into the pocket of my pants. It's lunch time. I immediately put on a proper shirt then ran out of the bedroom, marching down the stairs, carefully not to hurt my swollen arm on the way.

I then walked out of the mansion before looking around until my eyes fell on one of the bodyguards that is guarding the gate. I headed towards him, earning his attention as he shifted his head to my direction. " Do you need anything, miss ? " He asked with his usual robotic tone, making me chuckled to myself.

" Emm.. Can you.. Do me a favour..? "

" What is it, miss ? "

" Drive me to.. School..? "

He remained silent for a few seconds before speaking.

" But Mr. Park said that you need to rest. He said that you won't go to school today. "

I immediately clasped my palms together, blinking my eyes as I looked up to him. " Please.. I have something to do. A very important one.. " I plead, pursing my lips as I stared at his face. He stayed silent again before nodding his head then gestured me to follow him.

The next thing I know is I already sat down at the backseat of the violet Range Rover that belongs to mom. I never realise the existence of this car- The bodyguard started the engine, heating it up before the tyres started rolling to school. In an instant, I took out my handphone then texted Jimin.

- Chim.. Help me..

" Sorry, Chim.. "

I muttered then sighed softly, looking out the window as I looked up from the screen.

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