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I laid down on the bed after taking a quick shower, pulling the blanket over my shirtless body then closed my eyes after making myself comfortable. I was about to drift to the dreamland but suddenly it hits me.

Y/N !

I immediately sat up with widened eyes then hurriedly looked for my handphone after glancing at the clock. 12:50 a.m. I took it from the night stand then unlocked it, looking for her contact number but before that, I can't help but to groaned in regret as I saw five missed video calls from her.

Fuck it.

I called her, placing the handphone on my ear. A few rings then she picked up the call. " Hello ? " Her voice is soft and by that I know she was sleeping just now. Thank God. " Baby girl ? Were you sleeping ? " I asked, leaning my back against the headboard. She hummed and I can imagine her laying on her side with the handphone on her ear without her holding it with her closed eyes.

" O-Okay, baby girl. I'm really really sorry, okay ? Okay, let me explain first. I-I forgot about the video call. I was hanging out with Tae and Kook and then I totally forgot about the time and there you go. I missed your call. " I explained, biting my plump lips afterwards. Then I heard she chuckled.

What ?

She's.. She's not mad..?

" It's okay, Chim-ah.. I understand. It's not like we can't talk tomorrow. " She said with her honey like voice that melts me but at the same time makes me guilty like a fucking shit. " I know you're mad. I'm really really sorry. Forgive me, please ? " I whispered, on the verge of crying as my vision started to blur.

I just.. Can't.

I can't when it comes about her.

She's just.. Too precious for me.

" Chim ? It's okay, I told you it's fine, right ? Okay, okay I forgive you. Happy ? " She said then giggled which caused a tear to dropped from one of my eyes. " I'm really sorry.. " I rubbed my face with my palm, wiping the tears on the way. " Okay~ I love you~ Now stop crying, alright ? I might cry too. "

She said and she's definitely pouting cutely right now. Just imagining it makes me feel like holding her close in my arms. But I can't.. " Alright, alright. I stop crying. " I said then ran my fingers through my silver locks, chuckling slightly as she claimed me as her good boy.

" Baby girl.. "

" Yes ? "

" Do you wanna sleep already ? "

" Yes, Chim-ah.. School tomorrow, remember ? "

I nodded then looked down to my fingers. " Can I.. Watch you sleep ? " I asked hesitantly but then sighed in relief as she giggled. " You sure miss me that much today, aren't you ? " " Oh, please. I miss you every single day. " She chuckled then hung up the call before video calling me.

I accepted it then immediately saw her laying on her side, looking at me while I bet the handphone is leaned against one of her pillows. I carved a smile then laid down on the bed, doing the same ; laying on my side while the handphone is leaned against one of my pillows. I saw her eyes slowly closing itself but she held it, maybe because she thought I still wanna talk.

" Sleep, baby girl. "

" Alright.. Good night, Chim.. "

" Good night, my world. "

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