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I See You

He stepped out of the bedroom then walked down the stairs before heading to the kitchen. He slowly stopped on his tracks as he arrived there, only to see his parents are enjoying the lunches with his aunt.

" Honey ? Come here- "

" Never thought you will still be here. "

He cut in the middle of his mummy's sentence, causing her to pursed her lips while slowly looking down. She and her husband should be use to it but.. That.. That hurts.. " Jimin.. " His aunt spoke, tilting her head slightly as she signalled him to mind his attitude using her eyes. 

He sighed, slightly rolling his eyes before walking over to his mom instead of his mummy and sat down next to her. " Jimin- " " Enough, mom. " He said, not giving the chance for his mummy's sister to speak as he started eating the meal.

She sighed then shook her head before continued eating. The whole dining room is filled with silence. Just silence.

" I'm coming with mom to Seoul. "

Mrs. Park immediately choked while Mr. Park shifted his attention from his plate to his one and only son. " Wh-What ? " Jimin licked his lips, ignoring his mummy's question while munching the food. " Jimin ? What are you talking about ? " His aunt spoke, not knowing what to answer as her brother-in-law looked at her.

" You heard me right. "

He simply said, his eyes still fixed on his food. Mrs. Park turned her head to her husband as her eyes started becoming teary.

This is not Jimin..

This is not their Jimin..

This is not her Jimin..

The Jimin they know is not this cold..

The Jimin they know is not this rude..

" Why so suddenly ? Have you talk to your aunt ? " Mr. Park spilled out as he saw his sister-in-law looking confuse. " I am right now. " The black said then put down his utensils, turning his attention towards his parents.

" Park Jimin, this is not something you can use as a joke. Coming with your aunt means you have to change your school which is one of the things that will need many processes to be made- "

" Yes. "

The older man shut his mouth, waiting for the younger continue speaking. " That is the exact reason why I want to come with her. " His words caused his parents and his aunt to looked at each other in confusion. " What do you mean ? " Mrs. Park asked while frowning.

He sighed heavily, looking away from the others. " The school holds a big amount of memories between me and her. Not to mention about this house too. I can't stay here anymore.  " He explained then rubbed his face with both of his palms.

Getting a video call from her everyday is healing him.

But at the same time, it's worsen him.

" H-Honey, please. You can't leave me.. W-We can bring you to her if you miss her, just say it and we'll bring you but please don't leave.. " Mrs. Park begged then shook her husband's arm afterwards to ask him to coax their son too.

" I miss her everyday. Would you waste your time to bring me to Malaysia every single day ? "

He said, slowly shifting his head to his mummy. Mr. Park sighed heavily then crossed his arms, looking down to his laps while his wife bit her lips, keeping her eyes connected with their son's.

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