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Not Now

We stepped into the mansion then she immediately ran up the stairs, heading towards our bedroom. I chuckled at her action, trailing behind her. " You doesn't seem like someone who went to the nurse room just now. " I said as she plopped herself on the bed with a wide smile after we walked into the bedroom and closed the door.

I went to the night stand then took off my earrings, bracelets and necklaces around my neck except for the one Taehyung gave me. I sat down on the edge of the bed then turned my head towards her that is closing her eyes with her right forearm placed on her forehead.

Is she sleeping already ?

I carved a small smirk. There's only one way to know.. My hand slowly made it's way towards her ripped jeans. My eyes glanced at her, only to see she is still having her eyes closed. I licked my plump lips then unbuttoned her pants, receiving a gasp from her as she immediately opened her eyes grabbing my wrist.

" Chim ? What are you- "

" I thought you're sleeping.. "

I whispered then hovered above her, my hand not leaving her pants. " What ? I'm not- Oh my God.. " She closed her eyes as she arched her back in pleasure as soon as I inserted my fingers into her jeans, started rubbing her clothed womanhood. " You were not ? " I mumbled, licking the corner of her lips before pecking it.

She shook her head, biting her lips slightly that caused me to smirked. A single touch and you're already a mess as usual. " I love how your body reacts to my touch.. " I muttered, leaning closer to her ear then gave her earlobe a lick. " So sensitive.. " She hummed, clenching the bed sheet.

I chuckled then pushed my fingers into her, earning a louder moan from her. " Jimin- Oh my goodness.. " " It's Jimin now ? Not Chim ? " I thrusted my fingers into her faster and faster by every second while she curled her toes, arching her head. " I want my milk.. " I whispered as I felt her shaking, signalling that she's close.

She parted her lips as she let out a soft yet loud moan, releasing her fluid to my fingers. Time to dig in.. She panted softly, looking down to me with her sparkly eyes while I looked up to her, taking off her pants, along with her underwear. " Jimin ! " She yelled in surprise as I started licking all her cum, swirling my tounge on her pussy.

I gripped her thighs, pulling her body even closer as I suck her dry, not wasting a single drop. She tugged on my hair, wrapping her legs arouns my neck. I gave her folds a sweet peck before moving up to her, immediately attacking her lips with mine. She giggled cutely between the kiss before slowly pulling away. 

" You horny ass.. "

I arched my head, bursted into laughters.

Just for you, baby girl..

Few Hours Later..

She walked down the stairs happily as usual with him following behind her. Both of them then stepped into the dining room after heading towards it, finding the familiar middle-age woman already sitting on her chair, playing with her phone. She looked up as she noticed their presences.

" Y/N ! Jimin ! Oh my God, I feel like it's been weeks since I last saw you guys ! "

She said, gesturing the couple to have a seat. Y/N carved a sweet smile then sat down next to her right while Jimin on her left. " I'm really sorry~ I've been busy lately 'till I didn't get the chance to even eat dinner with both of you. Especially you, Y/N-ah.. There are suddenly so many clients that came to see me to book for their wedding cakes, birthday cakes, farewell cakes- "

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