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Love And Bond

Two Months Later..

There he is. Sitting across both Taehyung and Jungkook, staring at the table in front of him. The food that Jungkook bought is not touched at all. Not talking. Not looking at anyone. He looks like a living dead. The blue and honey blonde exchanged looks in concern, worried about their best friend.

" Jimin.. Aren't you hungry ? Or.. Do you want something else ? "

Jungkook questioned softly, leaning closer to the silver but he just remained silent before shaking his head, pulling the hoodie over his head even more. The bunny sighed, leaning away from him. Ever since she left.. Everything has changed..

He barely eat, barely drinks. He is becoming thinner day by day. He mostly lock himself up in his bedroom. Crying.. Thinking about her.. He is not the talkative guy anymore. Silence and him became one. He does not hang out with the two of them anymore.

Both the blue and honey blonde would love to visit him everyday. At least, every month to check on him. But.. His aunt forbids them to do so. She keep on blaming them for what happened. Which they gladly accept it because it's the truth anyway. But they really want to help him. They want to fix everything for him.

They want to redeem their mistakes.



" Jimin.. You can't do this.. You have to eat. Or else you won't have energy to do anything. " Taehyung tried to persuade him but he received the same thing. Silence. He let out a heavy sigh, looking away from the silver. Suddenly..

" Jay ?.. "

Jimin clenched his fist as he heard her voice. Taehyung and Jungkook both groaned in annoyance, worried about Jimin's reaction at the same time. " Jay.. I-I'm really sorry.. " Evelyn spoke, looking to her fiddling fingers. The silver parted his lips, looking ahead without saying anything.

" I-I.. I'm really sorry for telling her.. I-I never thought- "

In an instant, she flinched in fear as he slammed the table, standing up from the chair before facing her. The other students also turned their heads towards their directions, started gossiping with each other. Typical. Jimin didn't say anything. Instead, he death glared at her before walking away.

" Shit.. " Jungkook cursed under his breath then got up from the chair, immediately ran to the silver that is now heading to the cafeteria's door. Taehyung, on the other hand, stepped closer to her, looking down to her that is still lowering her head, avoiding any eye-contact.

" Two months.. Two months since they last saw each other.. And now you're apologising ? " He scoffed, arching his head as he chuckled before pushing her by her shoulder slightly. " Too late. " With that, he spat on the floor before chasing after his two friends.

Few Hours Later..

" Jimin, wait- " I sighed as he keep on walking up the pathway of the mansion after hopping off his car, ignoring my call. This is hard.. I crossed my arms, leaning against my car. By the corner of my eyes, I can see Jungkook is walking towards me after stepping out of the car, standing next to me as he tugged his hands into the pockets of his trousers.

" I miss him.. " I miss him too.. I licked my lips, running my fingers through my blue locks. We kept our eyes on his figure 'till it's out of our sights as he stepped into the house. " Hey. Let's go. " The bunny patted my shoulder then gestured 'lets go' with his head. I pursed my lips and took a glance at the house in front of us before hopping into my dark green Porche Cayenne and started driving back home.

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