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I leaned against the headboard, letting out a sigh. Day one, check. I licked my lips then pulled down the hoodie that's covering my head before arching my head, closing my eyes. I need to call Y/N. I popped my eyes open then reached for my handphone in my backpack then unlocked it.

I stopped my movements as I glanced at the clock. I rolled my eyes in annoyance as I saw the time. 4:30 p.m. " Her school does not even end yet. " I tossed it to the bed then stood up from the bed, started cleaning myself up.

Few Hours Later..

" Thanks for the dinner. " I mumbled, shooting a small smile towards the maid that walked pass us. She grinned before stepping into the kitchen. " So, how was your first day ? " I leaned against the chair, shrugging my shoulders. Typical question for a typical new student in a typical new school.

" Typical..? You can say that. " Typical answer. She chuckled, scrunching her nose. " Come on. You can brag. " I shook my head, pursing my lips. " There's exactly nothing to brag about. " Seriously, I don't even talk to anyone today. " Not even a bit ? " " Nope. " She tapped her nails on the glass table while her eyes stays on me.

" I- You know what ? Fine, you can go to your room. "

" Thank you. "

I heard her chuckle as I stood up from the chair then headed to the staircase before started marching upstairs. Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. I opened the door then plopped myself on the bed, immediately grabbing my handphone. I laid on my stomach then stared at the screen.

Just wait for it.

Just wait for it..

Few Hours Later..

" Chim ! " " Baby, hi, I miss you ! I was waiting for your call the whole day. " I said as soon as I accepted the call. She chuckled then raised an eyebrow. " The whole day ? Did you forget about our 'mini call-schedule' ? " I smiled then shook my head. " No, of course I didn't. I just feel extra excited to talk to you tonight. "

Because I need to talk more since I just talked to mom only.

She tugged a strand of hair behind her ear, tilting her head. " Okay, I'm sure you're excited to talk about your first day, right ? Then tell me ! Have you got any friends yet ? If yes than what's his name ? Or her name ? " She asked excitedly, cupping her cheeks as she looked at me with a soft smile.

I squinted my eyes then pursed my lips before awkwardly shaking my head. " I.. I have no friends.. Yet.. " Yet ? Really yet or never ? She blinked her eyes then frowned. " Wait.. Really..? Not at all ? I-I mean, did you talk to anyone ? " I shook my head slowly, poking my inner cheek.

" Nor anyone talk to me. "

Two Days Later..

Silence. He just sat there in silence with a book in his left hand and an apple in his right. It's been two days he's here yet no one has talk to him. Did he care ? No. He would rather just be alone instead of having 'Seoul' friends.

He don't need Seoul friends.

He just want and need his Busan friends.

And Busan's girlfriend.

Jimin then looked up from the book before looking around the cafeteria, only to see two guys are walking towards him. Towards him, right ? He looked to his back then everything around him but there's no one except for him since he's sitting at the end of the cafeteria.

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