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"I give you my love... baby, if you just say you love me... I'll be right by yo side... and I dare anyone to try to take you from me..." DEAR LOVER BY TEENA MARIE


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"Left you?" I say to Drew. Exhausted. Watching his eyes.

"Yeah," he admits, watching me back. So vulnerable, that it hurts my heart.

"Naw. No. Never. You hear me? Never. Drew," I break down and admit to him, watching his eyes tear up. And mine tear up right with his.

"Drew. I'm your wife," I tell him, and a surge of pain stabs me in the stomach, as I watch a tear slide down his cheek that rocks my very foundation.

And my heart breaks, it just fucking crumbles into teeny tiny pieces, down into my feet.

"I love you more than you understand, and I ain't lettin' go, I promise on my life. I'm right here baby, I swear it. From every corna of my soul, I am right here, fightin' for you. I swear that shit," I vow.

And he just sits there, with his hand to his forehead, as the tears fall down his cheeks.

"I love you baby. Don'tchu give up on me," I choke.

I think about how he told me when we first hooked up, that it was a couple of times, that he was almost outta here. He really was about to end his life. And my thoughts scare the fuck outta me! I waited so long for him, to find my man. My true love.

He looks up at me, and I wanna save him so bad it almost eats me alive. The heartache in his eyes takes my breath away. This pain. But I can't let go. I refuse to let go. I've got his child.

"Drew—I give you all, all my love baby. To you. I give. Right now," I cry to him. Begging... take it – take it nigga, take my heart, don't give up—

He watches my face as I hold out my hand to him.

"Reach for me," I beg... and he takes a deep breath and nods, and wipes his face... and I breathe out.

"You gotta fight. Like you told me. I need you," I beg. And he nods again.

"Thank you," he tells me sincerely, and it breaks me the fuck down.

"Don't- don't thank me, don'tchu thank me, now I see whatchu mean, so don't you say it either. And don't send me no more money, not another dime. I swear to God, I need for you to know this shit, deep all the way down in yo soul, that I gotchu too," I cry to him.

He cries right back and nods.

"You ain't gotta buy me nothin' else, straight from my heart, just let me love you. Just love me – and just ride, just stay down – baby please. Just say you love me, and fight. And I'll be right by yo side. I swear it. For better. Or for worse, I swear this shit," I promise him with everything in me.

"I need you Thaedra," he tells me, shaking his head like it hurts so bad.

"And I need you right back. Just as bad. I'm dying for you, I'm in prison, right beside you baby. So you gotta let me work this shit. And you gotta fight. We got this shit, didn't you tell me that shit earlier? That we got this shit?" I ask him, wiping my tears and he nods.

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