Chapter 7: Life at base

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"Acro?" there was someone knocking on my door. "Acro, I'm coming in." 

As this person sat on my bed I slowly started to open my eyes, revealing that person to be Emily.

'What is it?" I replied as I struggled to stay awake.

"Belfast is here for you." 

"Hmm...Okay. Just like, get her here. I need to fully wake up." 

"I'm already here." 

"Hey Belfast, do I have to go today?" I yawned

"Yes you do, now could you please hurry up. We have a long day today." She started to pull me out of bed. 


When we arrived at base it was rather quiet. It was around 6:30 when we arrived so it was expected that there weren't that many people around.

"Alright, so where are we going Bel?" I asked.

"We are going to work." She replied.

"Hey Be-" There was a hooded figure that had a knife and they ran up to Belfast and went in to stab her. 

I instinctively pushed her out of the way and sun around and kicked the person on the wrist, sending the knife flying and sticking itself into a nearby house. 

"What do you want?" 

The hooded person just simply reached into their hoodie and pulled out a handgun and pointed it at me. As they cocked the gun I ran up to them and kicked them to the ground. I went and turned them over so that their stomach was on the ground and proceeded to grab the arm that held the gun and took the gun from their hand.  I threw the gun away and kept their arm behind their back.

"Ahh okay okay, I give up." The hooded figure had a female voice. "This was a test okay. can you please get off of me." 

I looked up and saw that I had made a huge scene. "Uhm, ok?" I got off of the hooded girl and looked over at Belfast. "Hey Belfast, would you mind explaining this?" I said impatiently.

"U-Umm...this was to test to see how you would react in life threatening experiences. To maker It seem real we planned that whole attach that just happened just now and you just passed the test."

The girl who was the hooded person took off her hood. Underneath the hood revealed that there was a girl with long light grey hair and she had a lair of light brown eyes. She also had the ears and the tail of a fox.

 She also had the ears and the tail of a fox

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"Umm sorry for attacking you. My name is USS Nimitz, I am from the Nimitz class of aircraft carriers." 

"Don't worry its fine. Is your arm okay?" I asked as I pulled her up from the ground.

"Ah don't worry, my arm's okay." She replied

"Acro there are some things that you might find interesting in your office." Belfast began to pull me into the direction of my office.

When we arrived at my office, there was a briefcase with padding on the interior of the briefcase and there was a glowing blue cube with a red light radiating from the center of the cube sitting on my desk. 

"Is that one if the wisdom cube things?" 

"Yes it is, this specific cube is for the commander of Azur Lane. If you absorb it you will be able to do what we can do." Belfast replied

"So your saying that I can become part ship?" 

"Not particularly, our wisdom cubes are a part of our existence at least that's what we where told. You however are only borrowing the power of the cube, when we absorbed our cubes, they are stuck there in our body. When you absorb your cube it does merge with you but due to the special properties of your cube you are able to remove it from your body."

"Hmm...okay." I said as I picked up the cube.

Suddenly a wave of darkness came over me, when I opened my eyes I was in a dark room. There was nothing except a floating box. The box was glowing white and as I went over to touch it, it opened up showing a sign. 

the sign said:

Learn how to use the commander's wisdom cube.

beside the box was a list about what I was going to learn. The first thing on the list was how to summon my riggings. everything that was not the list disappeared, while that was happening the list increased in size. 

"Umm, I guess I'll go with this." I said as I clicked on the first thing on the list.

Another sign popped up and it said:

The  commanders wisdom cube has changeable riggings meaning that it can change different classifications of riggings.

To summon your riggings, you have to have a clear picture of what you want to summon. We are going to start off with how to use destroyer riggings. Lets start off with an easy riggings to summon. Try summoning Laffey's riggings.

Tap THIS to show the riggings.

When I tapped the highlighted word another sign appeared, showing some riggings.

insert Laffey riggings.png (A/N: I couldn't find a picture)

"You really love these text boxes don't you" I said

After about a minute of looking at the riggings I began to imagine the riggings. Almost instantly I felt something materialize around my waist. When I looked down to my right I saw five torpedo's stacked on top of each other vertically and on my left I saw a 20mm cannon. 

After I took a good look at my riggings, the tutorial sign popped up and said:

Learn how to fire the Torpedo's/salvo's.

You will never run out of ammo. The wisdom cube will create the bullets/planes etc. There Is a limit to how much can be fired in quick succession. The wisdom cube will have to recharge to be able to shoot again. You are able to fire some projectiles while recharging but after the shot is fired, the energy will not recharge untill the energy runs out again. Each weapon has their own energy limit (e.g. Torpedo's will sometimes have 5 shots before they have to recharge.)

With weapons like handheld guns the energy limit will be equal to how many bullets that their real world counterparts magazines can hold.

To fire off your projectiles you will have to confirm an area to shoot at and your riggings should fire off automatically after that. 

As I moved the sign out of the way, there where targets that where already set up. I looked at one of the targets and told myself to shoot at it, a glowing yellow projectile was fired from my left cannon. I watched as it flew through the air directly hit the target.

"Well that was easier that I thought. How much time has passed since I got into this place?"

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