Chapter 68: Invasion

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"Everyone! Make sure no citizens get involved! Do what you must to suppress the Siren forces!" Amy shouted through a radio as she overlooked a damaged shipyard.

"Amy what about Acro!? Accelerator and Regenerator haven't been sighted in this attack." A panicked Javelin asked as the rest of the starter squad soon followed suit.

"I know. I want you four to make your way back to the Acro's location to support him."

"Right, of course." Javelin took a second to breathe before speaking. "Alright everyone, lets go!"


The bushes that Acro was within, exploded into a burst of flames as a giant mechanical dragon made its grand entrance.

"I was wondering when you were gonna bring that out." Regenerator said as she refocused her attention from the students to Acro and the dragon.

"Kyuu, keep Regenerator busy for as long as you can." Acro said quietly.

The dragon made a deafening mechanical roar as it charged directly into Regenerator as they crashed into a gym storage shed.

"C'mon Accelerator, It's just you and me." Yuki coughed as he held onto his back.

"Hmm, so that's how you want to play?" Accelerator gave him a toothy grin as she dashed around Acro, attempting to whittle him down piece by piece.

As for all of the students who were watching all of this unfold, they were were either running away from fear or recording all of this as it unfolds. As for Lily and Rose, they were both looking on from the side.

Lily was worriedly looking at Acro getting overwhelmed by Accelerator but she refused to leave her dear friends alone in this dire situation whether it meant her life was also on the line. 

Rose however, was staring at all of this unfold as he fears began to skyrocket as she comes to realize that these are the very events that played out in her dreams. She knew what would eventually happen but she couldn't move. She was frozen in place.

After a few minutes of Acro trying to hold off Accelerator and also letting Kyuu distract Regenerator, the fatigue was catching up to him. He knew that he couldn't keep this up for much longer. As for Kyuu who had taken the form of the mechanical dragon, she was also feeling the effects of Acro's fatigue as her reflexes became slower and weaker.

"Haaaah...Haaah..." Acro panted as he blocked another attack. 

"Finally reached your limit? Huh?" Accelerator laughed as she got right up into Acro's face and reeled back as she sent a fist to Acro's face.

"Shit!" Acro tried to dodge the punch but he was too slow to dodge as the punch had left him stunned there, leaving him open to any extra attacks.

"Sweel dreams commander."  Accelerator giggled to herself as she prepared to deal the final blow.


A rock  had just slammed right into the back of Accelerator's head. She snapped her head around almost instantly to find the culprit.

There stood only two people. Lily who had a shocked look on her face and Rose who was shaking uncontrollably.

"Hmmm~? Do I sense a pair of-" Accelerator was already in the girl's faces. "School girls wanting to be the hero?"

"R-Rose...Rose! Snap out of it, we have to get out of here!" Lily shakily tried to pull Rose away, but to no avail. She was too frozen in fear to move.

"Y-Yes, we are! What are you going to do about it?" Rose said in a firm voice, despite the obvious fear that she was feeling at the moment.

In the distance, the mechanical dragon had disappeared into a flash of bright light as the area lowered back to its original temperature. "Oooh. Would you look at that." She grinned.


A quick spray of blood erupted from behind Accelerator. 

"Hm?" Accelerator turned around to find that Regenerator has shielded an attack from Acro.

Regenerator had a deep gash down her chest as blood continued to pour out of the wound. As for Acro, he was wielding a now bloodstained blade that dripped with Regenerator's blood. He sent the sharpest glare that he could right at Accelerator's direction.

"Look, I'm sorry for not meeting you on your little trip to our world." Accelerator gave him a toothy grin as she looked back at the two girl's reactions. "Sorry, were they not supposed to know about that?"

"Alright Observer, stop messing around will you?" Regenerator got back up with no wounds present on her body.

"W-What? Weren't you just bleeding out!?" Lily exclaimed.

"Look. We're not here for you, so just leave." Regenerator ignored her question as she pulled out a walkie talkie. "Tes-"


The entire right side of Regnenerator's body was entirely obliterated by a nearby shell. What was left of Regenerator's body looked over to where the shell was fired from, only to see the Starter Squad make a B-line to their location.

"Acro! Are you okay!?"

Life As A CommanderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora