Chapter 60: Dreams

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"Hey, Acro. Are you free today?" School had just finished and Rose had already seized the opportunity to ask me something.

"Not that I know of." 

"Great! Then let's head to my place then." She declared.

"Is Lily coming?" 

"Unfortunately not. I've got some errands to run today so I can t come with." Lily chimed in.

"Well that's too bad." I replied. 

"Hmph." Everyone in the starter squad including Rose pouted.


"You know that we want to hang out with you as well." Javelin crossed her arms.

"Fine, fine. I promise this weekend that I'll hang out with you all." I gave her a pat on the shoulder."

"Deal!" Javelin happily declared.

"Alright. Rose, lets go." 

"Yup. Can we head to a cafe before we go to my place?"

"Sure." I replied.

The walk to the cafe was really quiet. Rose was unusually quiet with a blank stare on her face as we walked to the cafe. It was as if she was in her own little world. But soon enough, we had arrived at the cafe and we took out seats. 


(A/N: talks about the dream that happens at the end of chapter 22 so go and check it out as a refresher)

I had another weird dream last night. It seemed as if it was a continuation from the last weird dream. Within that dream I saw the two weird people along with a third person ganging up on Acro. No matter what he did, he couldn't do anything about it.

The one third one that wasn't in my last dream tossed out a device and Acro's warship looking attachments disappeared into a bright light. And just like that he was completely defenceless. And before I could even do anything, Acro was taken through some kind of portal, never to be seen again.

I guess after seeing that I really wanted to see him again. But still, even if I didn't want to see him because of that, I still think he owes me for not hanging out with me at all. I mean seriously, he disappears for a month and then proceeds to only hang out with people from his workplace. 

Geez, what am I even on about? It's barely been a week. He probably hasn't had enough time for me because of how much work he has.

"Hey Rose, we're here."

"Huh? Oh, right."

When we sat down, Acro took the initiative to start the conversation. "So, what'd ya wanna talk about?"

"Oh, you know...I just wanna talk to you. You know, you've been spending so much time at work that we never get to hang out as much as we used to."

Acro could only sigh as a reply. "If it's about me overworking myself, I've already heard about if from literally everyone else."

"Well obviously that's part of it but I really do just want to hang out." 

"Heh, sorry. I've just hear it so much recently." He awkwardly chuckled.

"No it's fine. Anyways, I had this really weird dream last night."

"Bust of been really weird if you wanted to talk to me about it."

"Yeah. We were at school and you had these weird pieces of metal that looked like warships attached to your back and you were fighting some weird people that came out of a portal."

Acro's smile disappeared as he frantically looked around as if he was searching for someone. But then he spoke up. "Who are you?" He said in a stern tone.

"W-What do you mean? It's me, Rose." 

He had a sceptical look on his face. He then leaned over the table and began to inspect me from head to toe. "Good."


"Just making sure that you were okay." His smile returned.


Come to think of it, he never was too open about his job. I literally know nothing about it. He works at some kind of port and that's it.

"Hey Acro, do you wanna talk about what's been happening at work?"

"Geez, you're really still on about that?" He hummed. "Well, nothing much has been happening. I mean sure there's been a little accident here and there but nowadays I've just been getting back into the flow of being at work."


"It's no biggie, I'm just fine." 

"Right, so-"

"Aight, enough of the small talk. Let's go have some fun like you wanted. You're not the only one who wanted to have a chill afternoon." Acro got up and out of the cafe.

"H-Hey, wait up!" I had to literally run to catch up to Acro.

The rest of the day was spent with Acro as we had fun at the arcade and hung out at the park. It honestly felt rejuvenating to spend some time with him after so long. I truly do wish that it could stay like this forever.



Just another day in this new world. Though it sucks that I wasn't able to meet back up with Acro when he spent some time on out world. I head so much from Omitter and Tester. Why'd I have to regain one of my memories at that time.

Oh, and it turns out that the ship that he came with was hit with that device as well. But she somehow managed to gain her memories back. Like what the hell? Why cant that happen with me!? I guess that it's not so bad. I mean, it's kinda fun to find more about my past self as she comes back.

Speaking of the past me, it turns out the one who is observing and taking care of me was the new recruit that the past me took care of. I know right!? I guess losing my memories has taken me down the corporate ladder and had put Compiler above me.

But all that aside, Zero has been having those weird dreams again.  I dunno, something about the world falling apart but that just seems like a load of bull to me. What does conquering earth have to do with the the world falling apart?

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