Chapter 17:Lollypop

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Its been a few days since I went shopping with Nimitz and I'm finally going back to base to work. "yay"

As soon as I got to my office, I instantly got to work. 

"Hey Bel, are Enterprise, Nimitz and the starter squad free today?" I asked as I printed something. 

"If I remember correctly, everyone except for Enterprise is free today." Belfast replied.

"Okay, could you get them to come here. I have a bit of a task for them."

"Hey Boss, you called?" Nimitz burst through the door to my office, who was soon followed by the started squad.

"You five are gonna do me a little favor for me. I need you to scout the surrounding area to see if there is any siren activity nearby. If you see anything out of the ordinary that could be potentially dangerous, report it."

"Uhmm...Do you want us to di it right now?" Ayanami asked.

"Really sorry, but I just cant risk something like that happening again." I replied.

"C'mon everyone, the Commander asked us to do this so we have to try it to the best of our ability." Nimi said proudly as she dragged Nimitz and the remainder of the starter squad away.

"Knowing you, you'd already be on the water, so why didn't you decide on going?" 

"My everything is in pain." I replied bluntly.

"What did you do?"

"Gym. Gym with Baltimore." 

Belfast sighed. "C'mon, lie down. I can't have you refusing to do work."

"How'd you know about that?"

"Lets just say that Emily told be about this." She replied smugly.

"Of course she F*ckin did." I grumbled to myself.


"Are you happy now?" I said as I say up from my bed. Surprisingly, I felt much lighter than usual.

"Now come on, we have a lot of work to catch up on." Belfast replied.

"Wait." I said as I dug through my bag for something.

"What are you doing?"

I pulled out a bag of lollypops from my bag. "Take one." I said as I took a lollypop from the bag and took off the wrapper and popped it into my mouth. "Ish the leash I can do. I'll make sure to give the others shum too."

"Fine, I guess I can take one but under one condition." Belfast took a lollypop.

"Yesh, what ish it?"

"You start to do your work." She replied in a stern tone.

"Yesh, Ma'am." I said as I got up and went back to my desk.

"The higher ups wants a detained report on what happened during the siren attack. Be sure to email them the report once you're done."

"Yay, my favorite thing to do." I said as I started to type things out. "Alright Bel, I think that I should be busy for the day so you can head out if you want." 

Its been about an hour since I had finished writing the report and I was working on editing the video that Emily and I recorded a few days back. 

I peeked my head from behind the monitor and I saw Belfast watching me intently. "Is watching me type really that entertaining?"

"W-What? Of course not." Belfast replied with a flustered expression.

"You have a phone, don't you?" I said as I took out another lollypop. "You don't have to be so formal. It's not like I'm testing to see if you accidently don't speak in a proper manner."

"I suppose that I could loosen up." Belfast said as she laid down on the couch and pulled out her phone.

"And...It's published." I let out a yawn. "Alright Bel, I've done everything. Imma head out now."

"Okay, have fun." 

As I walked out onto the streets, I took out another lollypop. I watched the dock as gust of wind brushed past my face, I walked over to the edge of the docks and looked straight down. There were a school of fish that were darting around.

"Oh, Hey Commander!" 

I looked up at the girl who just spoke to me

Ups! Ten obraz nie jest zgodny z naszymi wytycznymi. Aby kontynuować, spróbuj go usunąć lub użyć innego.

I looked up at the girl who just spoke to me. "Hey, you are?"

"I'm Cleveland of the Cleveland class." She replied.

"Nice to meet you Cleveland."

"Watcha doing?"

"Watching fish...Want a lollypop?" I pulled out another lollypop from my pocket and gave it to Cleveland.

"Uhh, thanks Commander." She replied awkwardly.

"You can drop the Commander thing, you don't have to call me that. You could just call me Acro if you want." I stated nonchalantly.

"So, word on the street is that you are the person behind the mix in Emily's songs."

"Yeah, pretty much." 

Suddenly a bright light appeared out of nowhere. When I looed up, I saw some very familiar faces. It was Regenerator and Observer.

"Hello, Commander How've you been?"

Life As A CommanderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz