Chapter 6: life at home

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Due to the fact that I got hurt at base, I was sent back home to rest and take it easy. Emily was not having it when she found out that I hurt myself again. Vestal advised that I take a few days off to rest to let my wounds heal. 

Fast forward and I an sitting on my couch, thinking about what to do for the day.

"What to do today." I asked myself.

I walked over to my room and started to check my phone. I came back to my phone having around three hundred notifications. 

"This is what I get for leaving my hone on do not disturb."  I say as I check my phone to see why it had so many notifications. 

My phones notifications was from my classmates asking various questions about my work and what I did there. Needless to say I replied to all of those messages with "What is your opinion on the letter G?"

Due to the boredom that I was having, I decided to head out for a bit to get some fresh air. As I walked out of my front door, I went over to a nearby store and went to buy some candy to eat.

As I got to the checkout the cashier casually said "Acro, are you seriously getting more candy?"

"When I'm stressed I get a sweet tooth okay." I replied 

"When Are you not stressed?"

"I dunno."

As I walked out of the store, I began to just aimlessly walk around the streets. It was the same usual sight but when I got to a bridge that showed the ocean, I couldn't see it as an ocean. I saw it as a battlefield.

"Am I really cut out for a job like this?" I muttered 

"Hey mister, are you okay?"

I look to my left and I see a little girl looking at me. 

"I'm fine, just thinking about things." I replied

Realizing that I was not fine, she attempted to cheer me up " name is Luna. What's yours?"

"My name is Acro, Its nice to meet you Luna." I gave her a polite smile. 

"D-Do you want to play on the playground with me?"

"Wait, what about your parents? An important lesson to learn is that you shouldn't trust every stranger you meet but I'm down if your parents are fine with it."

Luna runs off to her mother and presumably ask her if she can play with me on the playground. 

She eventually runs back and says "Mommy says I can if I can be safe." 

"alright Luna, where in the playground do you want to play?" 

A few hours have passed since I started messing around in the playground with Luna. 

I got down onto one knee to get onto her level. "Alright Luna, I have to leave, but I will give you one more valuable fact that you should keep with you for the rest of your life."

"Oooh! Lemme hear!"

"Treasure your parents and family, you never know when you might loose them. I don't want a good kid like you to end up like me." I got up to walk away "I hope we meet again Luna."

When I arrived at my front door, I was greeted with a very unhappy Emily.

"What did Vestal say about going out!?" She said angrily

"Sorry but I had nothing to do." I replied 

"Then go on the internet!"

"You see, I tried...I found nothing to do on the internet." 

"Geez, what am I gonna do with you?"

"Ya want me to make a song for you to get some inspiration from for your future music? Will you forgive me if I did that?" I said as I walked past her. 

"Maybe." She pouted.

"Fine, just give me some time." 

When I got to my room I turned on my PC and went to work. As I worked, I thought of. What could be the context that goes along with the song. Everything instrument that is used in every song has a purpose, This song utilizes these instruments to make a cinematic song that gives off a futuristic vibe. 

After about a few hours the song was finished. When I got out of my chair I went over to get Emily to come and check out the song that I made.

"Emily, the song's finished!" I shouted from my room.

 As soon as I said that I heard foot steps coming to my room. My door burst open, revealing Emily.

"Gimme your headphones, let me hear it." Emily Ripped my headphones off my head.

"Alright, you have fun. Imma get some sleep." I walked over to my bed "*yawn* Goodnight." 


A/N: Sorry for the long wait and the short chapter. recently I've been busy with exams, so I couldn't work my stories. but right now I should be free. lets hope that I can publish a new chapter soon.

Bye Bye

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