Chapter 54: Ambush

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Within no time I arrived at the tallest cliff that overlooking the enemies' base. When I got to sit down on a rock near the peak of the cliff, something caught my eye.

"Ooh, I spy me a commander all on his own." I chuckled quietly.

When I got a better look at the commander, I saw him jus sitting there on the edge of the cliff without a care in the world. he seemed to be lost in thought.

I quietly spoke through my earpiece. "Lurker, I have visuals on their commander at our rendezvous point. Be sure to make a quiet arrival." 

Lurker soon replied. "What!? Lets meet somewhere else then." 

"No. He doesn't know I'm here yet. We can just ambush him when you show up."

An audible sigh came from Lurker's side. "Only if Tester allows it."

"Fine." I pouted.

When Lurker finally arrived we silently observed the commander. He hasn't moved from his spot ever since I arrived. 

"Tester, come in. We are within a close proximity from the commander. Do we have permission to attack." Lurker tapped on her earpiece.

Almost instantly Tester replied. "Absolutely not! You are to relocate to a different location." She said in a authoritative tone.

Upon hearing this all of my frustrations began to bubble over from the past few days. "Argh! I've had enough! I've been itching to fight since forever ago!!!"

The commander shot up from where he was sitting. "Who's there?"

"It was me!" I Jumped out of our hiding spot and summoned my riggings. 

"You're a new one...What's your name?" The commander was weirdly calm about him being ambushed by a couple sirens.

"That's not important! Lets just get to the fun part already." I fired off a couple bullets directly at the commander. Expectedly, the commander simply dodged out of the way.

He let out an audible sigh as he summoned a singular gun with a black and white colour scheme. "Do we really have to do this right now?" 

"Yes we do." 

"Fine then." The commander finally took a more serious stance.

The next few seconds were filled only with the sounds of the wind on the grass. It was a stare down to see who would make the first move. In one swift motion, the commander aimed his weapon at me and fired a card shaped projectile that was aimed at my head.

Within the blink of an eye I somehow managed to dodge the projectile. At least that was until I felt a blunt object smash right into my cheek with enough force to send me stumbling back. 

"C'mon you asked me for a fight." He gave me a taunting smile.

"Oi shut up okay!" I replied frustratedly.

A soft yellow glow emitted from my cannons as they all charged up for a powerful attack. As my weapons were charging up, I dashed right into the commander's face. His eyes widened as I attempted to make a powerful kick to his stomach.

Just as the kick was about to collide with the commander, he managed to get one punch to my side. However, that one punch wasn't enough to stop the trajectory of my leg as it slammed right into his stomach. 

This sent him flying back onto his back a few meters. But that wasn't the end of it because that small exchange was enough time for my cannons to fully charge as multiple purple beams fired at the commander, landing a direct hit which sent him slamming into a boulder.

Taking the chance to breathe I began to inspect the damage that the commander had done to me.

"Hmm. Good. Only a couple bruises." I sighed as I poked a bruise that was forming on my cheek.

"Purifier, watch out!" Lurker jumped out from her spot.

Before I could even process anything, a metallic object flew into my vision as it exploded into a thick black smoke, making it impossible to see anything. From the smoke came a metallic gauntlet which grabbed my by the collar and lifted me up off the floor. When the smoke cleared, I finally saw who was holding me up. It was the commander. There was blood running down his face and everywhere else was covered in scratches.

"Last chance. Do you want to end this peacefully or not." He said in a stern tone.

I could only muster a chuckle. "Let's end it the fun way."


Lurker had attempted to give the commander a hard smack to the head with her dagger but before she could stab him, he turned around and gave her a hard kick to the stomach which sent her flying back into a nearby bush.

He sighed. "Have it your way then." He tossed me to the side. "By all means, ladies first."

I gave a sarcastic laugh. "Why thank you." I fire off multiple shots into the enemy commander's direction and just as they were about to contact the commander, something began to glow from behind him.

I could feel the temperature sharply rise as the surrounding area was covered in a orange glow. As the glowing mass began to gain more shape, the temperature rose even higher. So high in fact that it was getting harder to breathe. The glowing mass had now turned into some type of mechanical dragon with flames bursting out from the back of its head.

The commander turned back to the dragon. "Drachen. Don't burn them. Just knock them out." The dragon let out a loud mechanical roar as it charged into my direction in a breakneck pace.

"Guess Tester was right in leaving him alone." I closed my eyes as I awaited the dragon to slam into me.

"Drachen stop!" I head the commander shout.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Tester standing in front of me. She had her arms crossed with an angry expression. The mechanical dragon dematerialized back into many blue particles.

"Purifier, I told you to meet in a different area didn't I?" Tester asked in a stern tone.

"Y-Yeah. But-"

"No buts. Get Lurker and head back to our world." Tester pointed at the unconscious Lurker in the bush. When she looked at the commander, her expression immediately softened. "Acro, you can you go now. I'll deal with them." 

"Thanks...Guess I owe you another one." The commander chuckled.

"Wait. You two know each other!?" 

The smile that Tester had on her face had disappeared once again. "Purifier, get Lurker. We are going now." 

"Fine." I pouted as I picked up Lurker.

Tester opened up a portal to our home world and before we stepped through Tester said "Till next time, Acro."

And we all stepped through the portal back into the home world.

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