Chapter 32: Portal

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Days have passed since I've first started training. During these days, I was able to train with people ranging from August to the starter squad. I think it's safe to say that I've gotten much better at utilizing my arsenal of items to take control of a situation. 

Right now, I'm sitting in my room with a camera pointed at me.

"Hey guys, it's been a while since I've appeared in a vlog. Lets just say that my work has taken a lot of my time. I turn, that made me able to be at home. You can guess why I haven't been in the vlogs. In fact, I'm at my work place right now. But that's all for me, lets just hope that I can get back into the grind soon." After saying all of that, I stopped the recording and put the camera away. 

I quickly imported the files to my computer and sent the files off to Emily to edit. Once I finished that, I stretched my arms out and let out a yawn. And with that, I began my day. When I reached my kitchen, I began to cook my breakfast.

today is one of my off days. After constant nagging from Belfast, I finally gave in and took a break for my body to recharge. For me it's just been a constant work and no rest. It's nice to take a rest and have fun. 


*Knock Knock*

When I opened the front door, I saw the starter squad standing on the other side of the door.

"Hello Acro." Laffey yawned.

"hey guys, why're you here? I mean there is nothing to do here."

"And that's why we're here. We're here to do something here." Ayanami replied.

"The we're going to the training arena." I said as I walked out the front door.

Nimi blocked my escape. "Acro please, you cant train if you're not well rested." 

"Well I am well rested. one night is all I need. Plus, we cant really be messing around when the world might be destroyed by tomorrow." I replied. "C'mon Nimi, you should know this the most out of everyone here."


Don't worry, I'll just be scouting the surrounding area to make sure that there is no siren activity happening. Plus, I cant keep having you four going out scouting." 

"Fine, be back by tonight at the latest." I could tell that she wasn't too happy about this just by the look in her eyes.

"You girls can stay here untill I come back okay." Nimi's expression didn't change. "Don't look so sad. I'll be fine, okay. I'll hang out with you after I get back. I promise." 

"Please just don't get hurt." Nimi said as she wiped a tear away from her eye.

"Yep, I'll see you tomorrow night." I said as I walked away.

"Hey!" Nimi's shouted.

"I'm joking. I'm joking." 

When I got to the dock, I summoned my riggings and jumped into the water. 

Just as I was about to head out, I heard someone's voice.  "Oh, Hello Acro. Isn't this supposed to be your day off?" 

When I looked back I saw Admiral Hipper and Prinz Eugen.

"Yeah, but there's nothing to do so I'm just gonna go scout around."

"Nice...I'm coming along." Eugen replied.

"But, I wanna go alone." 

"Nope, I'm coming along no matter what."

"I'm not coming along. I don't want to become a third wheel." Hipper walked away.

"Looks like it's just the two of us." Eugen chuckled.

"You're still gonna come a long no matter what I say. Aren't you."


"Fine then, you can come along." 


"Acro, there's no one here. C'mon, this our seventh lap." Eugen complained as she lagged behind.

"Geez, is it really that boring? What happened to messing around with me?"

"Well that gets boring after a while." 

"Fine, just one more lap."  Just as I said that, a glint of light caught my eye on a nearby island. "Eugen, we might have something here. Stay on guard."

"Roger that."

As we drew closer to the island, I was hit by an unseen force.

"Accelerator, what's going on?" From behind a rock, Regenerator walked out. "Oh, hey Acro. Why'd you have to show up now?" 

"Why can't I?" 

"Well, it's just that we've just finished fixing our teleportation device and we're about to leave." regenerator replied with an annoyed tone.

"All the more reason as to why we have to stop you." Eugen stated.

"Please just let us go. We can fight later, okay."

"I'll let you go after I see the teleportation device." I said as I gave Eugen a nod. And she seemed to get the message and went away.

"No. I have to report to my superiors. If I don't we'll...Have to..." Tears started to form in Regenerators eyes. She wasn't making any attempt to hide it at all. It was as if she wanted me to know about this. 

As I began to make my way over to Regenerator, Accelerator seemed to stop right in her tracks. I could tell that she was contemplating something just from the look in her eyes.

"C'mere." I pulled her into a hug. "You'll be fine, just be a little patient. I'll get this done and over with soon."

Accelerator walked over to me and looked me in the eyes. "Are you really going to help us?" 

"we will help you. Just help us get to your world." Eugen returned with a device in her hands.

"Okay...Just give me this and we'll send you on your way." Regenerator broke off from the hug and grabbed the device. 

When she pressed a button, a purple portal swirled into existence.

"You ready?" Eugen simply replied with a simple nod.

And with that we went into the world that the sirens came from.

Life As A CommanderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora