♾ Fear

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We don't realize the amount of love we have in our hearts till your love is actually tested... and you'll end up going through life changes doing anything in your power to keep that love.

About to leave the room I was stopped in my tracks  " Dani" I turned " it only gets harder from here. This lifestyle never gets easy.. you gotta want it to enjoy it" I just walked out the room

David makes me mad. It's like he throws riddles at me and I'm supposed to figure it out. He tells me that as I age I will understand and soon the truth will come to the light but what the hell does that mean?

I sat in my room and just laid on the bed. I should get some sleep if they gonna have me out all night doing this shit.


Later that day

I woke up from a well-deserved nap and heard people talking. I got up and looked at the wall mirror I had in my room. My hair was a mess and I had on a t-shirt with shorts.

I walked to the door as the voices got louder. " so where is she" it was a female voice. " she upstairs hold on". I heard David's feet walking up the stairs.

I fixed my hair real quick before he busted in my room making me jump. " hey lil bit come downstairs real quick" I looked down at his fit. He had a wife beater on and some loose basketball shorts.

I nodded and we walked downstairs and I saw a pretty brown skin sitting on the couch talking to Eli. She stood as soon as she saw me and smiled.

" you must be Dani, you are so pretty" she smiled

" Thanks, same to you. Are you David or Eli's girlfriend" I had to ask since I didn't know who she was but they all laughed out loud.

" hell no I'm Dave's sister Natasha but call me Tasha" she hugged me before I could say anything

" oh ok my bad"

" no it's fine.. so you ready to go to the mall"

" um I'll need to change first" she nodded and sat down. I thought Dave was taking me

" that's fine I got all day" she crossed her legs

" no you don't, hurry up Dani so you can come back cause we got work to do" Dave chimed in pushing my back to guide me upstairs.

I quickly went upstairs and threw on some jeans and a thin shot sleeve white shirt and a coat with some ankle black boots.

I grabbed my new phone Eli bought me since I left my old one at home. He calls it my trap phone cause all I do with it is use it for ' work'. To be honest, I don't really do a lot of work my job is just to do what I'm told, and most of the time they just tell me to count money.

I quickly walked downstairs seeing all eyes on me.

" you clean up nice lil mama" Eli said smiling

" Thanks Eli, you ready Tasha?" I said walking into the living room

" ya girly. Come on" I started to walk but not before Dave grabbed my arm.

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