♾ The Trap

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We let the view get in our way

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We let the view get in our way... sometimes it distracts us from what's in front. Reality will soon bring us back to what we're missing...or not.

August 2013, Queens New York
9 months later


I rode in the car as the rap music played in the background. The busy city of queens flashed by the window as we came into a small neighborhood with not many houses. Some looked empty while others were occupied by older couples.

We pulled up to a decent looking house that was obviously filled with a hand full of people some leaving and some walking in. I had been staying with my dad for some time after what happened but this is actually the first time I've been to his trap house. " aye you staying in the car or you coming" My dad looked back as he opened his door. " oh I'm coming" I rushed and got out the car. Ever since the incident, I'm afraid to be by myself. 

We walked into the smoky house as the smell of weed hit my nose. I loved it. My dad smoked every day and I soon became almost addicted to the smell. I looked around at the muscular tall tattooed men that lingered around. I noticed bags, some big and some small. filled with weed and other substances. Guns laid on the table, most likely they were loaded.

" Dani" my dad snapped me out of my thoughts " I have a meeting, stay here don't touch anything and don't talk to no one" I nodded as he walked away upstairs and I sat on the stool in the kitchen

I'm still 18 and it's been a few months since I left the Bronx. My mom wasn't capable of taking care of me. she worked more nights shift and declined the money my father sent us when she didn't get her pay raise. After the incident or I should say traumatizing experience my dad was fed up and came and got me. I go to school up here now and I found myself a new dance studio. I hate that I left Courtney behind as well but we weren't that close so it didn't matter.

I love it here in queens. It's so full and live and much culture. don't get me wrong I love my mom but I couldn't stay, not at the rate we were going. She's fine though, she doesn't have to take care of me so she saves more money. I talk to her every night cause I do miss her.

" excuse me miss but do I know you" I was shaken out of my thoughts once again looking up at two tall scary looking men. " um I'm sorry what"

" do we know you" They stared at me as I tensed up. " um my.. my dad is upstairs that's why I'm here" 

" who yo daddy," the one who looked the scariest said to me

" um Nasir Boston" their eyes almost popped out their head. " oh damn ma we ain't know. we'll leave you alone" " ya yo daddy is one cold killa, I ain't tryna get killed"

They walked away but I got up and walked into one of the rooms that had the door cracked, I felt like exploring. It was a room filled with guns. some small, big, and some very big.

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