Ch. 37 - Celebrations

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You were almost finished getting ready when Yoongi suddenly called for you.

He knocked on the door to the bathroom. "Hey, your mom is downstairs."

"My mom?" You repeated as you opened the door. "Why?"

Yoongi gave a small shrug in response. "Do I need to dress up more for this?"

You took a good look at his outfit and then at your own. He was wearing a patterned button down and slacks. On the other hand, you were wearing a fairly nice dress. It hugged your curves a bit more than anything you usually wore, but Amy had insisted you buy it several weeks ago.

"You look great," you assured him. "Just put on a jacket, it's going to be cold outside."

"You'd better put one on too then," he mumbled in response as you grabbed your shoes and walked past him to see what your mother wanted.

She was standing in the living room by the time you got downstairs. She hadn't even set her purse down as she looked around the room. It was like this place was foreign to her. Then again, you supposed it was, even if her daughter did live here.

"Yes, mom? What is it?"

"Sorry for intruding. I didn't realize you two had plans."

"We're just going to a work party," you informed her as you sat down to put on your flats. She gave you a blank look. "Dad never went when he was invited but we thought we'd go."

"All right then." She nodded to herself.

"Mom?" You prompted her.

"Oh, yes! Sorry, dear. We wanted to invite you, and Yoongi of course, to dinner at our house. We thought this could be an apology dinner of sorts."

You pondered this for a moment. It was true that you'd been ignoring their phone calls lately. They were still in the wrong for what they'd done, but the holidays were coming up. And if it was an apology dinner, maybe you could at least partially bury the hatchet.

"All right," you said finally. "When were you going to have it?"

"Sometime in the next couple of weeks. Let us know what day works for you."

"Sure. I'll call you tomorrow and we can work it out."

She beamed. "Thank you. Now, I won't keep you any longer. Have a good time at your party."

"Bye, Mom. Drive safe."

Yoongi came down the stairs at that moment. "I didn't hear yelling. Are we safe?"

"Yes. My parents are inviting us over for dinner."

"What day?"

"I don't know yet."

"Jungkook is having a launch party soon. And the guys want to get together with Jin."

"Don't forget, Hobi is having his student performances later this month too."

Yoongi sighed. "We're getting to be regular socialites. Grab your coat and let's go."

By the time you pulled up to the event, it seemed to be in full swing.

"Thanks for the ride," you said as you stepped out of the car.

Yoongi paid the driver and followed suit. He had originally planned to drive but figured that he'd just call a cab or something so that he could feel free to drink too.

Jin was still taking some time off after the accident and neither of you wanted to push him to get back behind the wheel immediately.

"Is this how it usually is?" Yoongi whispered as you stepped into the building. 

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