Ch. 18 - Assistance

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A couple of weeks later, you were surprised to find that Yoongi had gotten up and left for work early on a Monday.

Jin was just as impressed as you. Although in a different way. 

"I only had ten minutes to wash my face and get dressed! I'm glad he's showing more responsibility, but you think he could also show me a little more respect. Not all of us roll out of bed and go."

You snickered, letting Jin rant on his way to work.

"I'm sure he'll treat you to lunch for your trouble."

"He'd better. Otherwise, I'm implementing a schedule and you two aren't allowed to call me unless you're literally on fire," he huffed. 

You walked into the building and were surprised Namjoon wasn't there yet. Usually, he was early to work.

It wasn't long before you found the man in question. Moving stuff around the desk outside of your own office.

"Namjoon? Are you looking for something?" you asked.

He chuckled quietly. "Actually, I'm supposed to be your new assistant. I'm guessing Yoongi didn't tell you, did he?"

"No, he did not. Where--?"

"In your office."

You threw open your door to see Yoongi sitting behind your desk, glancing around at your things.

"What are you doing?"

"Seeing where my wife works. You know, I don't think I've actually been in your office before."

"I meant my new assistant outside."

"Oh, that. Namjoon has a better head for business than I do. The shareholder's meeting a couple of weeks ago really proved that to me, since his information was a big part of how I made it through. So I figured that if the two of you were working more closely, he could give me information on what I need to fix around here."

"You want suggestions? Great. Start running things by me before you do them. You might be in charge but I have to sign off on any new assignment in my department--"

He set a packet of paper on your desk. "That's right, you need to sign this." When you continued to stare at him, he shrugged. "What? I've been reading up on some of the policies around here. I'm not completely hopeless. So, do you want an assistant or not?" 

You sighed, sitting down to sign it. "I'm surprised you didn't reassign him to work with you."

"I thought about it. But I haven't got enough work or information to keep him busy. Besides, he respects you so this should be a good partnership."

"Are you saying he doesn't respect you?" you countered.

"Not enough to work under me." He tapped the signature line at the bottom of the page. "He had to sign off on the reassignment too, you know."

"All right, you've made your point, now get out of my chair so I can get to work. And you owe Jin lunch for giving him premature wrinkles or something."

It was Yoongi's turn to sigh. "Sometimes I wonder who's really in charge around here."

"You have a new receptionist, right?"

"I've got interviews this afternoon. We'll have one by tomorrow."


As soon as Yoongi was gone, Namjoon poked his head in the doorway. "So where should I start, boss?"

"Call me (Y/N), Namjoon. And you can start off with the phone line. Once IT gets your inbox linked to ours, I'll show you how we handle customer orders and issues. And here," you added, pulling a binder from your desk, "A training manual to help you get started."

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