Ch. 40 - Guys' Night

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You heard the doorbell as you were finishing getting ready. 

"Can you get that?" Yoongi called from somewhere else in the house. 

"Yeah," you confirmed as you strode down the stairs toward the door. You opened it to reveal Hoseok standing on the other side. "Hey, come on in."

"Hey. You heading out?"

"Soon as Amy gets here," you confirmed.

You were heading out for the night and Yoongi was going to Jin's. Hoseok was picking him up so that he didn't have to drive back and forth. Amy was picking you up so that you could feel free to drink while you were out.

Hoseok nodded. "Is Yoongi upstairs?"

"Yeah, I think so. Why?"

The brunette cleared his throat. "I wanted to ask you...I met Park Jimin recently. He comes by the studio every now and then to dance."

"Sounds like him. He studied a little bit in school."

"He's really good," Hoseok agreed. "And I want to invite him to the showcase. But if it's going to be weird for you--"

You smiled. "I'm sure he'd like that, Hobi. You should invite him."

"What about Yoongi?"

"He already punched him, I think he'll be fine with it."

"Oh...wait, what?"

"What are you two talking about?" Yoongi called as he finally descended the stairs.

You turned to him. "Hoseok is thinking about dying his hair."

"Nice," Yoongi mused. "I can hook you up with the brand I use if you want."

"It's just an idea I've had."

A car honked outside and you stepped towards the door. "That's my cue. See you later."


Yoongi grabbed his phone and jacket. "We should head out too. Jin will bite our heads off if we're late."

"You're the one who took forever."

"I was giving Tae directions!"

When they got over to Jin's, he was just finishing up the food. In other words, they'd arrived just in time. All food, no fuss.

The others were already there, pretending to wait patiently for the meal that had been prepared. Jin had outdone himself this time, with lots of meat, rice, noodles, and kimchi to go around. Everyone sat at the table and dug in, thanking Jin repeatedly for making so much delicious food.

"Anyone want soju?" Jungkook offered as he stood up to grab some for himself. Everyone's heads nodded in acknowledgment. "Thank Hoseok for the bottle. Nice launch party favor."

Hoseok sent him an apologetic look. "Sorry again for missing it. The first dress rehearsal took all night."

"No problem, man. You didn't miss much, other than Joon here losing his bet."

"I'll be getting you back for that real soon," Namjoon replied. "I can hold my liquor better than you, Kookie. I've had more practice."

"Did you just call yourself an alcoholic?" Tae mused quietly. The others burst into laughter. Namjoon merely shrugged.

"We'll see who's laughing when I win at poker later."

Yoongi smirked. "Can't wait to watch you eat those words."

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