Ch. 20 - A Modest Proposal

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"Thank you very much, have a good day," you said cheerfully as you hung up the phone. You quickly underlined the note that you just scribbled on the sticky note, placing it on your desk calendar. 

Reminder to check on that later, make sure it went out by the end of the day.

You heard a knock on the door.

"Come in."

You turned back to your computer to move another email out of your inbox, glad that it was starting to look bearable. You glanced up in surprise as you saw the silhouette of the person standing in your office.


He smiled softly. "Busy as ever, I see."

"It's been a while. I like your new hair." His smile grew as he reached out to touch the steel gray strands.


You stood up to offer him a hug. "I'm surprised you remember where I work. "

"I'll admit that I got the floors mixed up, but I made it here in the end." He sat down in one of your chairs.

"Sorry. Usually Sun would direct you, but I'm having Namjoon walk her around to get a feel for the office. She's still getting her bearings."

"Speaking of new hires, don't tell me you've got an assistant now? I saw the desk outside."

"That would be Namjoon. Yoongi brought him on to give me a hand."

Jimin nodded to himself.

"Was there something you needed?"

"I was hoping to take you out for lunch, actually. Catch up, talk shop. If I can convince you to leave your work here."

You laughed. "For you, I can make an exception."

"I'm honored. And your husband won't mind?"

"He won't. He's out with a potential client."

Jimin hummed to himself but didn't comment on that.

The Parks were old family friends of yours. All of your parents used to joke that when you got old enough, you and Jimin would get married and become the uniting force between your companies.

But the cards didn't play out that way. After high school, Jimin went off to a prestigious business school, while you'd stayed in the area.

During his time in school and through his family connections, he'd made quite a name for himself and had risen to the top of the Park empire with incredible ease. He had numerous international clients that paid him a lot of money to send out their clothes and similar textiles.

From your understanding, business was booming for the Park family and that was no surprise. Jimin had always been charming and easygoing -- it made clients trust him and want to work with him.

It was that same charm that caused you not to realize the real reason Jimin had invited you out. But your old friend was nothing if not honest, and he was determined to make his intentions clear.

Lunch had started off well. Catching up, just like he'd originally offered. You talked about your families, his latest engagement breaking off ("just wasn't the one, you know?"), and how each of your respective companies were doing.

That was the topic you probably should have avoided, knowing your own setbacks there.

"Still not in charge, huh?" he asked.

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