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Ace Greyson

Lacey looks around the new guest house extension to her childhood home, almost like she can't believe her glittering eyes.. "Ooh!" She rubs her palm across the chevron patterned wall by the entry and I can't keep the smile from my face as I quietly watch her enjoy the moment...

I'll admit I had been nervous to see her reaction, since I had set the unreasonable expectation on myself to create perfection for her..

"Ace!.. You even found the wallpaper that I loved.." She sighs in appreciation before she notices the polished cherrywood beneath her feet.. "Oooh! So shiny.." She kicks off her little black heels, crossing through the open living dining and kitchen spaces, her fingertips brushing over every surface, appreciating the textures and craftsmanship of everything we had so carefully chosen together..

I say 'we', really I mean she.. She chose everything in this place..
But I don't mind, her taste is far superior to my indifferent minimalism, and to see her so happy is well worth the IOU I had to write to her brother in order for him to help me to get the place finished in time for moving day..

"Yeah? You like it?" I ask with apprehension..

Lacey had agreed to lease her uptown apartment to Kirby's younger sister, Lucky, and we had been planning to just stay with Lori until the new place was finished, but that hadn't been enough for me.. So instead I've been working overtime to get our new home ready..

"Ace, I love it!" She bounds across the floorboards, light as a feather to launch herself into my arms, peppering ridiculous playful kisses all over my face.. "You.. are.. so.. wonderful.. It's perfect!.. I LOVE IT!!"

Pride swells in my chest as I gently set her back down on the ground.. "You deserve to have everything you ever wanted, Lacey.."

She smiles softly, stroking a hand across my cheek.. "So do you, Honey." She spies the stack of forwarded mail on the kitchen counter before padding over to begin flipping through the pile of unopened bills and notices.. "Oh, I meant to ask, what time did you say we needed to be at the courthouse tomorrow, I really don't want to be late.. Um... maybe I should reschedule lunch with the girls?" Her brows knit together in concern..

"Not until three, there's plenty of time.. But, it really doesn't need to be a big deal, Lacey, you don't have to--"

She frowns at me.. "Don't you dare say that I don't have to be there! Of course I do, Ace.. Everybody is going to be there, and they are going to be embarrassingly proud of you, and you will honestly just have to deal with it.."

I rub the back of my neck with a sheepish smirk.. "Yeah, suppose I will, huh.." She nods, pleased with my vague acceptance of what tomorrow will bring..

Honestly I don't need a Legion of Merit Bronze Star to know that I did the right thing, all those years ago.. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the honor and recognition of service..

But a hunk of metal doesn't change the man I am.. The man I have always been.. Still, to have the record set straight.. To have the bad conduct ruling overturned.. To have my name cleared.. Yeah, that feels pretty damn good..

She tears open an envelope with a smile before her expression turns puzzled.. "What is this- - oh, um, it's--it's all in Russian? Can you read this for me, Honey?"

She hands me the handwritten note and I cast a glance over to see the familiar foreign script.. "Ah yeah, It's from Devi.."

Her eyes widen in surprise.. "Really, but-- how?"

Leather & Lace- THE SPECTER SERIES [book five]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon