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Lacey Paxton

Instead of your scheduled early afternoon class, you find yourself at the Specter offices, uptown.. You have no idea what kind of reaction to prepare for from anybody inside as you stare at your dull reflection in the stainless steel doors of the elevator on your way up to the top floor..

The ping of the elevator notifies everybody on the floor to your arrival and heads turn as whispers begin to swirl around you..

You step out to wander through the bullpen towards the private offices, trying to ignore the stares and rationalise away the feeling that everybody hates you, when a cheery voice calls out to you.. "Hey, Tiny! Wait up!"

You spin around to see Colt, quickly making his way over to you in several long strides, his golden blonde locks neatly brushed back, the checkers flannel of his shirt and shiny silver belt buckle giving him that real, honest to goodness cowboy look.. "Colt.. Hi.." You smile kindly without stopping, determined to stay on task..

Though, you will need Colt's help if your plan is to succeed, so you make a cautious effort not to be too blunt or too kind, so that asking for a favour later, without arousing suspicion, will be easier..

"Uh, where ya goin', Doc?.." He asks in a playful, almost sing-song kind of way, but you won't be distracted, sticking to your single minded focus of getting the information you need..

"I just need to talk to Iris.."

He hums hesitantly, tucking his thumbs into his belt loops.. "Ah.. She's kinda--"

You grimace.. "I swear to god, Col', if you tell me she is too 'busy' I might actually scream.."

His mouth snaps shut and he shrugs, like that is exactly what he was about to say..

As you approach her closed office door, you can hear the muffled shouts from the other side as you get closer and just as you reach for the handle, the door flies open..

An older, grey haired woman with chocolate eyes and a deep bronze complexion, dressed in the most beautiful orange and black kaftan, storms out looking devastated and distraught, not giving you so much as a glance through her tear filled eyes..

"Whoa! Who was that?.." You ask, peering into the office to see Iris at her desk, her head in her hands..

Colt coughs uncomfortably, shifting from side to side.. "Ah, that was.. Lori.."

You are just about to ask what Lori is so upset about, when you're cut off.. "You're lucky I don't fucking trade them YOU to get him back, Santiago!.. Fuck!.. So I'll just go clean up another of your fucking messes then, shall I?.. Gah, after this, Im fucking done! I'm DONE, Iris!"

Your brother's angry shout rings through the halls and the agents that had been milling around the bullpen seem to have all vanished somehow as Hunter makes his exit from Iris' office next, freezing stiff and still in the doorway when he sees you, his bitter glower on you.. "What are you doing here, Lacey?.. I'm kind of busy right now."

His tone is cold and disapproving, stabbing you like a dagger in the chest.. You can see the hurt and betrayal in his eyes, even though he tries to hide it, you know that you've damaged the already fragile relationship the two of you had been rebuilding..

But you ARE going to fix it.. You just don't know how right now.. And it would be impossible to focus on doing so, knowing that Ace is still just sitting in purgatory..

Or worse..


You steel your nerve, matching his icy tone.. If he wants to punish you, then so be it, you can't say you don't deserve it, after all you lied and did something reckless.. But you need to take control, you can't let him influence your reactions or decisions the way he does any longer.. Especially not now.. Not when you are this close to having a solution.. "I'm not here to see you, Axe.."

Leather & Lace- THE SPECTER SERIES [book five]Where stories live. Discover now