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Lacey Paxton

The car pulls up outside of Lori's house as you step out into the fresh evening air, desperately wishing you had brought a jacket, or a scarf.. Anything really that would make you feel less exposed..

All the lights in the house are on and the garage door is wide open.. The sounds of metal on metal tinkering can be heard echoing from the shed as you approach your high heels clicking quietly against the concrete driveway..

Your breath catches and your heart jumps to your throat when you see him..

Ace stands with his back to you, his arms sunk deep into the engine of an old, soda blue Chevvy.. A red grease rag is tucked into the back pocket of his faded blue jeans and the muscles of his back ripple beneath the soft black cotton of his t-shirt.. He is like something out of an old movie, so classically handsome.. So traditionally masculine.. Everything about him draws you in.. Making you curious.. And hungry..

He croons a familiar Frank Sinatra classic in a deep, rich velvety baritone that raises goosebumps across your skin, the sound so effortlessly easy and his pitch is flawless..

As he sings his melody, the air is filled with enjoyment, as if he is the happiest man on the planet.. Your heart squeezes in your chest.. "I'd tried so.. not to give in.. I said to myself, 'This affair never will go so well'.. But why should I try to resist when, baby, I know so well.. I've got you under my skin.."

You stand there in silent amazement, watching him for a moment in disbelief that he is really right there, before you finally find your voice.. "Ace?.."

His spine snaps straight and the top of his head collides with the open hood of the car as he rises to full height and he grunts in pain.. "Ah, fuck!"

You clamp a hand over your mouth to hide your grin and giggle as he spins around to face you.. He rubs his head sheepishly with a well humoured smirk, his intense crystal blue eyes locking with yours..

"Sorry!" You squeak..

His grin falls away as his gaze dips to take all of you in.. "Lacey?! You look - - fuckin' hell.."

He drinks you in, swallowing hard, heat flushing your core as his gaze travels the length of your body.. You stare at each other for what feels like the purest moment caught in an eternity, moving in slow motion as everything else fades to a fuzzy background haze..

White noise..

You aren't sure who moves first, all you know is you are running into his arms.. Your body knowing exactly where it wants to be as you fling yourself against his broad, rocky chest, inhaling his sweet scent of motor oil and mint..

His hands grip your waist as he lifts your toes from the ground to crush his mouth against yours and stars explode behind your eyes.. There is a fervent, rolling synchronicity to the way your tongues dance against each others as your body's sway and press neeedily..

You have never wanted to be so close to somebody before, an intoxicating drive to feel his bare skin against yours, to hear your name leave his lips on a pleasured sigh.. You have needed this for so long.. Needed him.. More than you ever realised..

You feel yourself coming to life in titillating new ways, a passion deep within you that was always doused by fear.. But not with Ace.. You don't fear him in the slightest.. Only the exact opposite.. You adore him..

"Mmmm.." You sigh contentedly as he gently sets you back on your feet, gazing down at you with sparkling eyes, gently tucking your bangs back behind your ear..

Leather & Lace- THE SPECTER SERIES [book five]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora