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Ace Greyson

... a f e w d a y s l a t e r ...

I feel like the luckiest guy on the whole damm plant right now, and I cant take my eyes off Lacey, as she sits across from me at the fire side, looking like precious porcelain doll she is in the flickering warm glow..

She wears a pair of simple cut off denim shorts and a tight grey t-shirt that hugs her tiny waist, outlining her temping hourglass curves.. Her brow is crinkled in concentration and she bites her tounge between her teeth as she considers her next move.. Even though she is focused, she looks so comfortable.. Relaxed.. I swear I've never seen her so at ease and happy..

And while I know some of that is to do with the fact she and her brother have been reconciling, I can't help but hope that its also a little about me.. About us.. The idea that I could have anything to do with her happiness fills me with a sense of pride like no other..

Every second with her only pulls me deeper under her spell.. She owns my heart, holds in in her hands.. If she were to decide tomorrow she were through with me, I don't think I could recover.. But I wouldn't regret a damn minute of any of it..

"O-X-A-Z-E-P-A-M... Oxazepam.." She proclaims each letter as she places the tiny white tiles onto the cluttered scrabble board between us on the floor..

"C'mon!.. Thats not a word!" I huff..

She laughs quietly to herself.. "You said that about my last turn!.. And It certainly is.. So thats.. Three hundred and ninety two.."

I grin at her like the idiot I am, around her I am in this perpetual state of awe.. "This isn't a fair fight, Doctor Paxton.. You're a straight up hustler, Baby-doll.."

She bites her lip with an almost apologetic smile.. "I know.. Oh.. And it's on a double word score.. I'm sorry!"

I toy with the tiles in front of me for a few seconds.. Considering my next move.. "Ah, well.. I did need that X though.. So.."

I place my tiles down carefully around hers.. "Q-U-I-X-O-T-I-C.. quixotic.."

She chokes a little sipping on her glass of wine, when I'm finished and she looks down.. "Oooh.. Triple word score.. I thought you said you weren't good at this?.."

I hum teasingly and shift my weight to lay on my side on the sheepskin rug beside her.. "Two hundred and twenty eight.. Hmph, not good enough, since you're kicking my ass.." I reach out to run a hand over her bare leg.. Her smooth skin gliding beneath my palm..

Spending time with her at the safehouse these last few days has been way too easy... And to have her to myself.. Well it's like a dream come true.. A fantasy.. Everything about her is fucking adorable.. Irresistible.. "I concede, Baby-doll.. You win.."

She giggles, a feathery soft titter, laying down beside me, resting her head on my shoulder.. Her flowery perfume in the air, getting me drunk on her intoxicating presence.. "I told you I didn't want to keep score.. It takes all the fun out of it.."

I chuckle.. "I'm pretty sure thats the exact opposite of how board games are supposed work, Baby-doll.."

She shurgs.. "Well thats not how I like to play.. It's too competitive.."

I turn to grin at her.. "Fuck.. That's cute.."

She blushes, burrying her face in my shirt.. "I think you're cute.."

I wrap my arms around her, lifting her featherlight figure onto my chest, brushing the hair away from those starry, twilight grey eyes.. Her perfect porcelain skin like silk beneath my fingertips as my touch traces down the side of her slender neck.. Tonight she is just mine..

Nobody knows where we are.. I didn't even tell Axe which safehouse I had chosen.. "Cute, huh?.. Is that what you reckon?"

She nods.. "Sometimes.."

"And other times?"

She hums.. "Hmm.. You're funny.." She sighs contentedly, her head dips and her mouth presses gently against mine, the sugary rush of her kiss has me hungrier than I've ever been, the tip of her soft warm tounge tracing my bottom lip.. She has me desperate for more.. "And generous, and kind, and sweet.."

I groan playfully in exaggerated enjoyment.. "Uh-huh, keep talkin' Baby.."

She places a hand against my cheek, gazing deeply and earnestly into my eyes.. Stopping my antics immediately.. "And.. I want you to make love to me.. Right now.."

Christ almighty - give me strength.. My mouth dries at the words.. I want her so fucking badly..

But the voice in my head keeps screaming at me not to fuck this up by pushing the subject of sex.. So much so I'd been doing everything I could to put the idea out of my mind.. Hence the board games..

Now that she is bringing it up.. I'm not entirely sure of myself.. I'm not certain she wants this.. Wants me.. Dispite the things she says.. There is a nervous waver to her voice that sets me a little on edge.. "Ace?"

I push up onto my elbows before sitting us both up, cradling her in my lap.. Her eyes searching mine for an answer.. "Lacey.. I want that, more than anything.. Don't get me wrong Baby-doll--"

She tenses in my arms, shifting uncomfortably, reacting as though my words had burned her, she recoils from their heat.. "I knew this was going to happen.."

She moves to push away from me, but I don't let her go, wrapping her tighter.. "No, Lacey, wait.. You knew what would happen?.. Talk to me, Baby.."

"You.. Acting all freaked out.." She turns her cheek to me, staring off into the fire, her hands twisting together anxiously.. "Nothing is easy.. Nothing.." She closes her eyes as she whispers, almost to herself..

"Lacey, I am not freaked out by-- listen this was never going to be easy... Baby, you know that.."

I can feel her shrinking away into herself.. Her walls rebuilding around her and her coping mechanisms clicking back into place.. "But you make me so happy.. Why can't it be?.. If I were any other girl, it would be.. I feel like you think I'm.. Tainted, somehow.. Dirty.."

Fuck, fuck, fuck..

I'm flailing a little here.. But she is wrong.. So fucking wrong..

I take her face in my hands, bringing her eyes back to me.. "Don't say that! You are not dirty, Lacey.. Or damaged or broken.. You're not any of those things.. That might be how you feel, Baby.. But it's not who you are.. And thats not what this is about.." I swallow the lump in my throat.. "This is about me being so goddamn terrified of doing anything to hurt you.. To run you off.. Or make you afraid of me.. Fuck.. I'm scared, Lace.. Scared that im gunna fuck this all up.. I kinda have a history doing that.. And I just can't with you.. You mean too much to me.. I don't want to lose you, Lacey.."

She twists her little body in my lap to face me, her lips pink and pouty, her cheeks rosy.. My heart throbs like a jackhammer in my chest when she looks at me.. "If that's how you really feel Ace.. Then show me.. I need you to show me.."

Leather & Lace- THE SPECTER SERIES [book five]Where stories live. Discover now