Chapter 36- Luke's Secret Stash

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“What are the plans for today kids?” Evangelene asks

We’ve been here for just over two weeks, sometimes we go out or just chill in. I received an anonymous message. Everyone was smiling and stress free these days so I didn’t want to burden them.

You can’t hide forever sweetheart. I will find you soon.

That was the first message I got the morning we left to the aquarium.

“I’m not sure. Any ideas?” Wade asks

“We could go on a tour… or I’m out of ideas.” Grayson says defeated

The boys were discussing where we should go, I zoned out. A message popped up on my phone from an unknown number.

Told you I’d find you sooner or later angel.

I froze. I became deaf to my surroundings. My chest was tightening up and my body shook uncontrollably. After a couple minutes I came back to normal but I was face to face with a panic stricken lady.

“Dear are you okay?” An elderly lady asks me

“Y-yes I’m fine. Where am I?” I was on a hospital bed. This doesn’t make sense nothing happened to me.

“You’re in Edgewood Hospital your family is waiting outside, must I call them in?” I replied with a nod

Wade rushed to my side within seconds his eyes were red. He held my cheek for a brief second before sighing in relief.

“Thank god you’re okay.” He whispered and kissed my forehead

“W-why am I here?” I’m so confused it’s not even a joke

“It’s hard to explain but you went into a state of shock and… you’ve been in a coma for 3 days.” Jayden explains

“What-t that’s not possible.” This has to be a joke

“All that matters is that you are okay.” Wade says

I legit didn’t expect this… Wade filled the documents while the boys took me to the car. I was busy playing with the bottom of my shirt. I asked Wade to sleep for a couple hours because I could see the exhaustion in his eyes. Ofcourse he said no- why did I even ask *cue eye roll

We all freshened up and went to a diner. I knew they had questions so I explained everything.

“When we went to the aquarium I got a message from someone saying he’ll find me soon. Uhm that day I slipped into coma, I got a message saying ‘Told you I’d find you sooner or later angel’.” I sniffled

“Riley you need to understand that we’re here at your side. Despite Freds efforts we’ll protect you.” Wade says reassuringly

“Yes baby we are the macho men aka bodyguards.” Luke says and flexes. Wade raises his eyebow

“I highly doubt she needs protection she can kick our ass within a second.” Emmette laughs

“Wait imagine the perfect scenario, we are walking in this creepy pathway and we get ambushed-”

“Don’t tell me by ninjas.” Grayson starts laughing

“You mad. Well not in this story.” He mutters. We all started laughing

“Like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted. We get ambushed by a mafia gang-”

“OMG Mafia guys are hot!” I burst. Oh shit. All the guys turned to me and started cracking up. Wade looks at me with full amusement.

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