Chapter 11- Samantha Jacobson

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*groaning* “Guys we should wake her up.”

“Uh I think that’s a bad idea, she’ll knock you out cold she may look harmless but...”

“Let us just wait for the princess to awaken.”

“Aww look at Wadey being all so caring” “Guys shut up she’s going to wake up and slap us.”

"If no one is going to wake her up then I’ll just chuck her into the lake.”

I opened one eye to peep at the guys they all were giving Luke deadly looks.

Clearing my throat I woke up and said: “Luke, if I were you I wouldn’t have said that.”

Jayden muttering something about god please don’t let her hurt us was snapped out of his trance when Grayson greeted me.

“Morning Riley we were trying to wake you up…” Grayson greeted

“Hmm I see, so can you guys leave so I can change?” I said awkwardly
“Oh yeah.” Wade said before pushing everyone out of the room

Hmm what shall I wear, I don’t even know what’s the plan for today. Maybe we can all go on the boat. Yeah we have a family boat that hasn’t been used in years, I’m sure one of the guys knows how to steer that thing.

I hope Samantha isn’t at the Jacobson Lake house. Let me introduce you to Samantha Jacobson aka the so called queen of Rosewood High. Everyone looks at her as if she’s a goddess she has perfect hair, perfect body and perfect life. I can honestly say that I hate her, she made my schooling life a misery it only got worse after my dad died. She bullies me not physically but mentally, I know it’s stupid that I allow her to ill treat me but I don’t have the guts to stand up for myself. Don’t get me wrong I can knock her out cold but I don’t know maybe in a way I scared of her.

Pushing all these uneasy thoughts aside I walk into my bathroom, do my business and have a bath. I decided on using denim shorts and a white t- shirt with queen B written on it. I honestly forgot my hair is still blue, the colour will only fade away after a month I think.

I got dressed up and went downstairs only to hear shouting.

“I want to watch cartoons!”
“I want to watch a Horror movie!”

“Guys shut up!” I shouted

“B-b-but I want to watch cartoons.” Luke said with puppy eyes

“Luke not the puppy eyes.” I said looking everywhere but his face

“Riley we’re having a small debate why don’t you choose what to watch.” Emmette said

“Uh okay…” okay now this is weird they made sit at the head of table and they all are so serious and waiting for me to speak

“So Miss Mathews your options for this morning are: comedy, horror or cartoons.” Emmette says with a straight face

“And Romance!” Jayden shouts from the lounge.

“Besides romance I am not watching that sappy nonsense.” Wade said rolling his eyes

“Yeah you’ll only watch it with Riley.” Luke muttered

“Did you say something Luke?” Wade questioned squinting

He shook his head. “Riley choose.”

“I-I uh” I couldn’t choose so I went for an option that wasn’t mentioned

“ACTION MOVIE!” I grinned. I looked around and saw everyone shocked well besides Wade who had a smirk on his face

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