Chapter 21- Mom

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Hmm, I feel so warm and cozy. But I think the window is open because I can feel warm wind hitting on my neck. Snoring? Where did that come from. Maybe Wade's asleep in the next room.

But wait somethings holding me I can't move. My eyes shot open, I slowly turn onto my side and see Wade fast asleep next to me with his hand draped across my stomach.

I just stared at him because this moment was just perfect. And he looked so peaceful but I can't only imagine us dating because he'll never date a person like me. I'm not his type and stuff so I rather just save this precious moment before it ends.

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, a couple moments later Wade wakes up. But not in the way I imagined, no it's not so quiet and romantic instead. He makes a dinosaur like noise that resembles a yawn? I think he realized what he did because he abruptly stops and mutters a few profanities.

I opened my eye and say Wade inches away from my face. The normal thing to do is maybe block your face or something but instead I screamed, he ended up screaming as well. Emily comes running in with a wooden spoon in hand. My attention went to her where I looked at her in confusion.

"Emily?" Wade calls in amusement.

"What happen?" she holds the spoon as if she were playing baseball.

"Er... why are you holding that?" I ask her with a small smile playing on my lips

"To protect you." She had difficulty pronouncing but nevertheless she was adorable.

"Aww my baby." I smiled

"Ahem, when I screamed the last time you didn't come running to me." Wade tells Emily and pouts.

"You a big baby." She sticks her tongue out and I burst out laughing.

"Am not."

"Are too."

"Okay you two enough with this." I chuckle

*click* *click*

"Aww my babies." Evangelene cries

"One happy family hmm." Wade winks.

"C'mon you have to eat breakfast. Get dressed and come down quickly Emily helped make breakfast." She smiles

Emily jumps down and runs behind her mom.

"Had a good sleep?" Wade asks

"Best one I had in years." I say in all honesty

"That's good to hear." He grins boyishly

"Why did you scream?" He asks after a minute of silence

"Why did you scream?" I question and chuckle.

"I screamed because you screamed." We burst out laughing

"We are so stupid."

"I'm all seriousness how are you feeling?"

"Much better, my head isn't sore but my thigh is burning." I whine

Wade goes to his cupboard and brings back a box of waterproof plasters.

"Put this on so you won't have trouble while bathing. Mom will dress your wound once you're done." He tells sternly

I put the plaster on and had a bath, today is freezing. I don't have any warm clothes so I'll have to make a plan. But damn the water feels so good, it's like the water is my medication it cures what ever pain, problems I have. That being said I need to phone Shaggy and tell him about the incident. He'll only let me fight once I fully recover.

I hope I get to see Jayden I miss him a lot, we hardly talk like how we used to. And I need him because he knows about Freddy's family but I know how angry he'll be once he knows what had happened.

After I had a bath I walked out in a pink fluffy gown. I put my undergarments on them my shorts; yes shorts whenever it's cold I always use shorts and a hoodie. Weird I know... since I didn't have any warm clothes the only thing I can do is borrow Wade's ones. He wouldn't mind he may even let me keep it

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