Chapter 18- I'll never leave you

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"So when you come here what do you normally do?" Wade turns to me and questions

"I usually just sit here and read. But there's a small shopping centre here, we can have lunch there or something." I explain

"Well this time we shall find something to do so don't worry princess." He smiles

"Isn't it queen and not princess." I say recalling what Emily said

"Oh yeah my bad." He chuckles

"Freddy Davis is Fred's father; he's the only person from this family who likes me. I haven't heard from him in a whi-"

*Knock* *knock*

"Riley?" Freddy calls out

"Come in... Fredddyyyy! How've you been?" I hug him

"I've been good smallie, sorry I haven't called you. You know how Criselda is." He refers to his wife. I nod.

"It's okay... meet my friend Wade I brought him to keep me company." I gesture towards him

"It's nice to meet you sir." Wade says. Freddy looks at him for a moment.

"Make yourself comfortable son." He embraces Wade.

After Freddy left Wade and I spoke before we fell asleep. We had a late lunch before coming so we didn't feel like having supper.

__________next morning____________

"Riley wake up. You have to get dressed." A soft\deep voice said

"No leave me and my marshmallows." I mutter in my pillow


I sat up in a shock thus causing a loud thump. I realised what I said and when I sat up I collided with Wade's forehead.

"Owwwww." I whine

"Isn't this lovely." Wade mutters

"Your forehead is so big aye." I rub my now sore forehead and whine

"Have you seen yours?" He snickers

"Shut up."

"Freddy came through earlier and said that we're having a family day." He says

"How fun." I mutter and roll my eyes

I walked into the en-suite and got changed. I used a baby blue t-shirt and black shorts, I walked back into the room and coincidently Wade and I are matching. We're dressed the same just that he's using jeans. How cliché...

"We're matching." He notices

"No shit Sherlock." I chuckle

*Knock* *Knock*

"Morning Riley, we're about to leave do you want to join us in the van or are you and Wade going to meet me there?" Freddy asks. I look at Wade and answer Freddy.

"We'll meet you there in a few minutes." I smile

After we bought sandwiches and juice for breakfast we headed for the 'family' day.

"Baseball?" I asked confused

"Guess that's the family game." We walked into the field and met everyone

"So the queen finally arrives." Blade Fred's nephew announces sarcastically

Meet 18 year old Blade Miller, the one is Fred's family who can torment me for days without getting tired. He's always hated me and found ways to get rid of me.

"At least you know who the queen is Blade." I smirk

"Since you're so pathetically late you're on my mother's side." He snarls. Freddy gives him a sharp look.

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