Chapter 33- Story of my life

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Private plane?  Damn I must be dreaming.

“Riley I think it’s time to wipe off that drool of yours and actually get on the plane?” Wade chuckles and places his hand on my lower back

“But it’s so pretty, I just want to admire it for one more second.” I whined as I walked up the steps

“Your minute will turn into the hour.” He laughs. True that!

I shit you not inside looked even better. I may have already pictured myself living in one. Silly?  Ofcourse but damn would be worth the stay.

I was happy to get away but I didn’t want to run away from my problems. I pushed all bad thoughts aside and sat towards the centre of the plane. Everyone found their seats and Wades momma took Emily to her bed.

“Get some sleep we’ll discuss everything in the morning.” Wade told us and I couldn’t be  more thankful. I really needed to sleep. The seats were recliner so I was very comfortable, Wade passed me a blanket and soon enough darkness consumed me.

Time skip – 9 hours later.

It was bright and sunny. I have no clue where we are and what time it is. I could hear talking but it wasn’t loud enough to disturb. Stretching and yawning I finally opened my eyes. The clouds were beautiful, I was greeted by Wade drinking coffee, I want one too.

“Good morning my angel.” He places his cup down and smiles

“Hi.” I say to him softly with a sleepy smile

“So shy she is all of a sudden.” Jayden says loudly

“Shut it, it’s still early don’t start with me.” I groaned

“What a pleasure it is to have a chit chat with you this part of the morning.” He says sarcastically I can feel the eyeroll

“Ray of sunshine.” Luke mumbles

“Let her rest, she has been through enough. And you knuckleheads aren’t helping. Wade why aren’t you defending my daughter?” Evangelene walks to her seat and glares at Wade

“Sorry ma, just some harmless quarrel.” He smiles sheepishly

I excused myself to use the bathroom. I did not expect a fully furnished bathroom to be in a plane, this place is more extravagant than any house I’ve been too. Nevertheless I did my business and had a shower, Evangelene passed me my clothes. I wore a green top with jeans as I opened my door to leave I stepped face first into a blue wall.

Oh never mind it was Wade. He blocked my mouth with his hand and mind you his hand can cover half my face! He pushed me into the bathroom and closes the door.

“What ar-”

“I didn’t get a chance to hold my girlfriend and this is the only time I can.” I put my hands around his neck and held him. He smelt Earthy with a hint of Lavender he smelt like heaven. I might just steal his perfume.

He pulls back abit as I loosened my grip on him, he stared directly into my eyes before leaning in. Our lips we’re no less than a centimeter apart. My heart started racing like no other the moment was beau-

“Wade let Riley breathe! I don’t need any grand babies so soon!” Shit we jumped and bumped our heads together.

“Oww.” We said at the same time. What a way to ruin the moment. I’m not even joking these almost kisses are pissing me off.

But the last thing I need is to kiss Wade and end up falling down due to turbulence.

We both chuckled as he opened the door, Luke and Emmette fell through the door and were currently at our feet.

“Eavesdropping hmm?” I was amused. I tapped my feet on the floor and waited for their reply

“I wouldn’t call it eavesdropping just uh… checking up on family.” Emmette says and grins

“Yeah if anything you should be thanking us.” Luke smirks and had a silly grin

“Checking up on us without even saying a word?” Wade raises an eyebrow and they smile

“Let’s just get back to our seats.” Laughing we all seated ourselves

“Ma why didn’t you scold those two for eavesdropping but you can scold me for doing nothing.” He frowned and gave his saddest expression ever. May he never use that face against me lord for I will fall into his trap within seconds!

“Don’t worry honey, they will receive their punishment.” She smiles cheekily

I seated myself at my place and had small talk with Grayson and Luke. Emmette passed me a plate of waffles with strawberries on the side. I ate the food and sat next to Jayden, we all we’re sitting close by so I could speak to them.

“I want you all to listen carefully about everything that has happened. No one besides Jayden knew about Bellatrix and quite frankly I didn’t plan on letting anyone know, that is ofcourse after meeting all of you. My dad was murdered 3 years ago and shortly after that my mom remarried, Fred used to hit me whenever I didn’t obey him. Even for the smallest of things, my mom was blinded by his so called love and at all times he is right and I am wrong. I was a slave to him and I couldn’t stand up for myself due to an incident I couldn’t handle it anymore. I was so angry that I nearly pop a vein so I ran to the gym near my house and I found a punching bag. I threw all my anger into that bag and the owner of the gym Scraggy offered to teach me how to streetfight. I rejected his offer at first but he explained that it’s a good way to release your anger and since then he had been my trainer and manager. He schedules my fights and has been a big help in my life. So I started participating in fights and eventually became the best. When we all started hanging out I wanted to explain my situation but I didn’t know how, I was scared I thought you won’t understand or would hate me.” I paused to drink orange juice. My head was spinning

I looked at everyone who had sympathy filled eyes and I hated it.

“Sympathy is the last thing I need. When I was kidnapped I was taken to the resort which I just recently found out to be the business my dad started for me. Fred kept me in a room where he spoke to me and wanted me to win two fights last night to give him cash. And he explained how I’m marked by the scar on my leg which Blade caused. He wants me to work for him so he’ll be rich and became recognized as Bellatrix owner.”

“Riley I don’t know what to say, you’ve been through so much that you’ve become such a strong person. I will never understand or feel the way you do. But all I’ll say is we are all here for you no matter what we are your family and love you just as you are regardless of whether you can take down a water buffalo.” Wade cups my cheeks and laughs at the last part

“You are apart of our family already and don’t worry I think it’s cool to have a daughter in-law who can kick my sons ass within a minute.” Evangelene starts laughing while everyone joins in

“I saw something unusual yesterday I saw green shoes it look so fami-”

“That’s was me, I bought that shoes when I went through my whole neon phase and you’ve always hated it.” Jayden laughs and his cheeks turn colour.

My face lit up when he said that but really I hate those shoes.

“Wade you’re not that bad of a fighter, you had no weak points. Your stance and everything was on point, is there something I don’t know.” I asked suspiciously

“Firstly thank you and I’m not a secrete streetfighter. We had tied up ‘Dozer’ and I took his place so I could get to you.” He says

“He learnt all that techniques from watching your matches. I don’t think he missed out any,” Evangelene laughs and his ears turn bright pink

“We went to your home to find anything to give us as lead as to where you are. Shanny was a big help she showed Freds office which was hidden by that big frame in the spare room. Wade accompanied me and we found the laptop, the wall had full of your pictures from all different angles and at different places. Fred has stalked you for what seems like since he entered your house.” Jayden

I felt lightheaded why is all of this happening?  I didn’t do anything to him I never fought back or wronged him in any way.

“Riley honey breathe. Just take in deep small breaths honey and you will be okay.” Evangelene desperately tries to help me get over my panic attack

Once I was okay I asked what our next move would be. I don’t know Spanish firstly and I don’t know where I’ll be staying. So I’m just confused.

“We have a house in Spain which is big enough for everyone to stay in. We all will be together so it will be convenient. My dad is also in Spain so I think he would get to meet you, that’s if he leaves his work aside for a second.” He mutters the last part

“As soon as I get a lead as to what Fred is doing then I will go back home and solve everything then there won’t be a burden on your shoulder.” I looked at everyone and blinked back my tears

“You will never be a burden remember that. Don’t stress about anything we will get through this together.”

“Together, together, together everyone
Together, together, come on let's have some fun”

“Luke stop singing before I jump out of this plane.” Emmette grumbles

Before you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious everyone started singing the song. I should’ve recorded them because this moment was precious.

We settled down because it was time to land. We have arrived in Spain, who knows what we have in store but all I know is we will make it through this storm.

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