Chapter 32- Thank you!

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Rileys POV

“Let the fight begin!”

Hmm this dude has a nice stance he doesn’t look like he’s going to be difficult to take down. But he looks like a challenge. I don’t see any weak points but I’ll aim for the leg.

The fights begins by ‘Dozer' pouncing onto me, he tries to punch me but I successfully dodge it. It went on for a while, him trying to punch or kick me while I dodged. Just as I turned I saw Fred looking at me with utter disgust.

Dozer tackles me to the ground I punch him hard on his jaw, I had a second to crawl to the rope but he held me in a death grip I couldn’t move. The referee asked if I wanted to tap out I said no.

“Riley it’s me Wade just play along. I’m here to save you do something to get out of thee ring.” Dozer was actually Wade?  Relief washes over me but I quickly come back to my senses.

I rolled over and pushed him he easily moves. I ran too him and pushed him off the ropes. He rubs his head while I look at the crowd with my famous smirk.

I got out of the ring high fived a couple fans and walked over to Wade. He was still on the ground, I used my hand to pick him up by his shirt. He opens his eyes and takes me by surprise and throws me over his shoulder he makes it look like he’s walking towards the ring.  Before Darkness.

I held onto Wade as he sprints to the exit. Lights were switched on but we was already out the main gates. I saw all the guys piled up in a SUV, Wade jumped in and had me seated on his lap. Luke spun his tires and sped of passed all the guards and onto the main road.

I hugged Wade with all my energy I was so happy to see him.

“I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry. I should’ve told you before but I was sca-”

“Riley I love you and I always will. I understand you had your reasons for not telling me. I’ll never look at you any differently.” He says with tears in his eyes. He pulls of my mask and hugs me again.

“Awww.” Everyone coos in unison

“He can never hate you, he has been obsessed with Bellatrix since the time he first saw you well her.” Emmette says

“Shut up.” He mutters, his cheeks turned a shade red. Awww

I pulled away from him and looked at the guys. “Hii everyone. I’m sorry for not telling you about my second identity.  I missed you guys so much, I’m so sorry for the trouble I’ve put you all in.”

“Would you stop apologizing we’re just glad you okay and that you are safe with us.” Jayden says

“I need to get out of the country as soon as possible, Fred won’t stop till he gets me.” I said to them. I felt uneasy

“I realized so we all are leaving for Spain as soon as I pick mom and Em up.” Wade tells me and I feel a bit relieved

“Thank you so much I feel guilty for everything yet here you are helping me so much.” I cried

“I don’t want to hear you thanking me again.” Wade scolds and pulls me into another hug

“We know Fred will use your mother as bait so I spoke to your moms cousin and told a thing or two so she invited your mom to stay over for the next month. So she’s taken care of, Wades mom packed your clothes so everything is on track.” Jayden says
I never expect everything to fall in place and for them to have my back. I thought they would get angry and not speak to me. I love them all so much.

Luke was driving fast but a car filled with men were trailing behind. Wade turned around and his eyes widened

“Everyone get down!” Wade screams
The car was firing bullet upon bullets at us. I started to panic but I realised I could get us out of this position.

“Luke I’m going to climb over on you and when I do climb in the back. I know shortcuts and I can get us out of here quickly.”  I realized that this road takes you back to the mall where my cousin lives and further up leads me home.

“Riley it’s too dangerous I can’t let you chance it.” Wade says

“It may be our only hope I don’t need one of you guys to end up getting shot. I’ll never live with that guilt.”

“I trust you guuurl. So cmon!” Luke says

I climbed into the front and sat on Luke, he moved his leg from the accelerator and I pressed my foot on it. He pushed his seat back while I sat up, I was driving in a really awkward position. I look like I’m a professional motorbike stunt chick. Anyway he climbed in the backseat and I drove off faster thanwe we’re going.

“Guys hold on.” I screamed
I swerved the car from lane to lane to avoid the bullets.

“Riley what are you doing?” Grayson asks shakily

“I’ve seen this in a movie, trust me I’ll keep you safe.” I said calmly

“Oh god this is the end.” Grayson dramatically says. I rolled my eyes and took a sharp turn

“Since we doing the whole badass driving getaway thing.” Luke reached in front and turns the music on, he puts the badass music to hype us up.

“This should be a movie!”

I drove like a maniac I don’t know how many times I was being screamed at. I took a turn behind a row of houses and drifted away from the ongoing car. Let’s just say I’d need to sleep for the next week or so.

After half an hour of me driving I finally lost the car behind us. I took the back roads and after a while reached Wades house. He opened the gate and I drove straight in into the backyard.

“I am never letting you drive again!” Luke says and vomits into the bushes

“Pshh my BOYFRIEND will let me drive.” I said with a big smile

“I love you Riley,  I really do but you aren’t touching the drivers seat any time soon.” He kisses my forehead and I scowl

“Guys there’s no time to waste we need to get moving now.” Emmette says while rubbing Lukes back

Wade and I went through the backdoor and Wades mom engulfed me into a tight hug.

“Oh my god honey I missed you so much. I’m so happy you’re okay!” she steps back and kisses my forehead.

“I’m glad to be back home momma bear.” I wiped her tears and Emily came running towards me

“Ry Ry, I missed you!” She hugs me

“I missed you my baby.” I kissed her forehead before Wade called us
We squeezed into the SUV and Wade drove us into the airport.

Emily sat on momma and Grayson was seated on Jayden. Emmette sat on Luke but he kept whining so I made him sit in front. I ended up sitting on Emmette sideways while my back rested against the glass and my legs were on Graysons lap. Queen I know.

When we got to the airport we went through a separate gate I don’t know why. But I won’t lie jumping out the car was difficult. Once the door opened I nearly fall back but Wade carried me out, I think I should fake sleep so he can carry me. But he did enough so I won’t do anything.

Emily was sleeping it was really late it would be midnight any minute now.
A lady stepped out of the beautiful plane. I did not expect what she said.

“Welcome Mr Smith your private plane is ready for take off.”

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