Chapter 20- In Love

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"Hello." I say shyly

"Come in sweetheart." She says warmly. Wade helps me to the sofa.

"Ma this is-" Wade says before his mom cuts him off

"Riley." She smiles

"How do you know?" He asks utterly confused

"Since the day Emily met her, she can't stop mentioning Riley. Plus she's the only girl you've ever spoken about." She grins and his ears turn red

"Maa." He sighs

"So you talk about me." I bump his shoulders and chuckle

"I heard that you had a rough couple of days. How are you feeling sweety?" I could just see how concerned she is.

"I'm still in pain, but I'll manage." I smile softly

"Aww hunny don't worry you'll get better in no time. Plus you'll have both Emily and Wade to take care of you. And you can stay as long as you want, I'll enjoy your company." She smiles

I wish my mom would be as caring as this, she didn't even phone me.

"Thank you so much." I whisper

"She's one heck of a fighter I tell you." Wade chuckles and I slowly smirk

"Wade take Riley to her room, she had a long journey so she needs to rest." She commands

"Okay but mom I drove so I'm also tired. Why aren't you telling me to rest?" He whines childishly

"Aww my big baby is upset because I'm worried about Riley more than him." She says in a baby voice and pinches his cheeks

"Yes momma." He sniffles. I just sit back and watch the scene unfold who knew Wade would be so dramatic.

"Okay my baby I suggest you see to Riley and make sure she's comfortable, then I'll make sure I..."

"You'll make a cup of your famous hot chocolate." His eyes widens and pouts.

"Of course not. You have to come with me to my next fashion show. Since you want me to give you more attention so why not go with me?" she laughs and walks into the kitchen

"Nah I'm good ma, you carry on." He says to her and shivers

"Bad experience?" I chuckle

"Let's not go there..." he shakes his head

Evangelene pops her head out of the kitchen and tells Wade to take me upstairs. In the corner of my eye I can see her smiling at us.

Wade lifts me up and carries me up the stairs. I didn't protest because I was too tired and my thigh was starting to burn.


"Thank you for everything." I say and lean my head against his chest. His heart started to beat faster.

"No need to thank me." He smiles

He walks to the end of the hall and stops at a black door.

"Welcome to my room." Wade says and pushes the door

I was amazed his room was Black, White and Grey. Everything looked so extravagant yet so simple. His room was spotless and even had a small bookshelf.

I didn't realise I was sitting on the bed until Wade snaps his fingers in front of me.

"Enough with the ogling I know my room looks amazing but hey!" he chuckles and shrugs

"Well I didn't expect this and I think I should do some redecorating in mine." We laugh

There was a 2 minute silence, I was looking at my thigh and Wade just stared off in the distance.

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