Chapter 4- Oreos

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Riley's POV

Do you take Riley Mathews to be your lawfully wedded wife? I do. And do you Riley Mathews take Oreos to be your lawfully wedded husba...

"RILEY wake your lazy ass up!"

"I'm up and awake stop yelling woman!" Gosh my mum is just too much

"Child you better keep quiet before I eat all your Oreos." I stood on top of my bed and cried out

"Nooo how will I survive in this cruel world, ohh save me Flynn Rider take me to your fantasy world!"

"Yess take me too Flynn baby." Jayden yelled

I fell back onto my bed and asked Jayden; "Hey when did get here?" Jayden seated himself on my couch and began laughing hysterically.

"I got here while you were getting married to your *wipes a stray tear* Oreos."


"You were sleep talking."

"You two get your pretty little butts downstairs for breakfast." Mum told us before leaving my room and shaking her head.

"Ry c'mon your momma makes tasty food so go get dressed quickly."

"Hold your horses mister I will be out in a few moments." I got up and went into my en-suite to have a bath, brush my teeth and get ready. It took me a record time of 15 to get ready, which included me doing my hair and makeup.

"Hey babe are you using that red and black dress today? Because damn girl you look sexy in it and you have an admirer so you better put an effort to look presentable." He wolf whistled when he saw me

I struggle with my low self esteem so I am self concious on how I'm dressed and how I look. I don't dress up to impress guys I just do it to make myself happy.

"Hey!! That's mean but anyway, yeah I'm using this today and I don't care about my so called admirer." I said while walking out of my bathroom

"Oh sweety your mind says one thing but your heart says another." He says with a dimpled smiled

"Let's just go downstairs for breakfast." I said while attempting to push him out the door.

Jayden constantly goes to the gym, in a way its an advantage to me I have someone to train with. But he never beats me when it comes to fighting. And i mean who wouldn't love to be friends with a guy with a six pack?

"Good morning Jayden and to you to my angel." Fred said to us and emphasized the 'angel'. I really don't want to deal with him early in the morning.

"Morning," we mumbled

Jay hates Fred with a passion. He knows what kind of a person Fred is. I've stayed over at Jay's house too many times to even keep track. I'm so greatful to have him as my best friend.

After a quick breakfast Jay and I left for school. The ride to school was silent because Jay knew how much seeing Fred affects me. And after all his apparently done for me within this past years, I hate him. It wasn't long before Jayden broke the silence

"I know I'm stupid to ask you this but... Are you okay?"

"Honestly I don't know but I'm not going to allow that small interaction with him to spoil my day."

"That's the spirit honey bunch so abou-"

"Well that's new. And don't even think of mentioning Wade." A sly smirk appeared on his face

"Oh sweety I wasn't going to even mention his name." He says with a shrug

"Whatever, anyway aren't you excited to see a special someone in school. Hmm?" I said with a bright smile

Aww his cheeks turned pink. Jay's had a crush on Grayson for so many years and yet he never made an attempt to speak to him. But i suspect Grayson has mutual feeling's for my boo.

"I am going to take your advice and speak to him face to face today." He said confidently

"Really, aww I wish you all the luck." Seconds later we arrived at school, I parked my car next to a black Ferrari. We jumped off and made our way inside the school. The early morning buzz was making my head spin.

"Jay I'm not feeling well I'm going to go to class a bit earlier than usual."

"Alright hun text me if you need anything." I walked carefully to class and took a seat in my usual spot right in the back.

15 minutes passed and everyone piled in. "Good morning class today we'll be learni..." I zoned out before she could continue. I fell asleep for a solid 10 minutes before someone placed their hand on my shoulder.

"Hey Riley, are you okay? You look a bit drained out and it's only the second day of school" said Emmette

"I'm just a bit tired an-" "Woah have you been crying?"

"W-what..n-no what makes you say that?"

"You don't have to lie to me, I know when a person has cried. You can judge a person a lot by just looking into their eyes"

Truth be told I did tear up a bit last night. But I didn't think it was noticeable."

"I don't want to talk about it." Jesus I need to let off some steam, later I need to go to the gym

"Alright but if you want to talk about anything or if you need to vent out to someone I'm right here." This was the first time in years that anyone besides Jayden had asked me this. A few minutes later the buzzer rang, before I could leave Emmette said; "take care of yourself and have something to eat, maybe then you'll feel better."

"I will thank you Em."

I went back for my next lesson and slept right through it. As soon as the buzzer rang I grabbed my bag and ran out.

"Jay, hey can we skip school and just go to your house."

"I've been waiting for you to say that, let's go but I'm driving." He said and I laughed

"Let's stop at McDonald's before we go home."

"Yess nuggets here I come," he said
"You'll turn into a nugget I murmured."

"I heard that." He said and I laughed

We both lunch and went to Jayden's house. I didn't go home that day but I informed Shanny where I'd be. I have a section in Jay's cupboard where a few sets of clothes are kept so I didn't need to worry about anything. His parents treat me like I'm apart of their family so they didn't mind when I stayed over.

Jay and I had watched a movie with his family before we went to sleep. When we were laying in bed Jay said; "everything is going to be okay and I'm confident tomorrow will be a day to remember, something extraordinary will happen." I smiled

"I hope you're right" "Goodnight"

"Wait I got you something." He reaches towards his bedside table and retrieves a packet. He gives it to me and inside the packet were boxes of oreo and slabs of Lindt. He knows how a pack of Oreos hold a big power in my life. They're one of the only things that can cheer me up when I'm sad or sick.

"Thank you Jay," I gave Jay a big teddy bear hug

"Goodnight Ry"

I closed my eyes and reflected back on everything that had happened today. I spoke to Emmette after I don't know what, maybe a few months. He seemed so concerned that I was crying. And Jayden didn't end up speaking to Grayson. Shortly after I fell asleep.

He's My Heartthrob Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora