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Diamond Peterson

I woke up to a empty bed making me grab my phone and call Sincere. She answered on the last ring having music blasting.

"Hey stink" she said. She sounded out of it.

"Sincere where you at" I asked softly. I hated when she left in the middle of the night because anything could happen.

"I'm down the street" she said.

"You okay" I asked as I stood up. I walked downstairs as I waited for a response.

"I'm pulling up now, come outside" she said before hanging up. I pulled my shorts down before sliding my slides on and going outside.

I mugged AR's car as it pulled up with Sada Baby blasted. It's 8 in the morning and they wanna listen to this.

"Wassup Diamond" Jay said with his head stuck out the window. AR got out the car before walking to me.

"Pearl I gotta piss. Lemme use your bathroom" he said making me roll my eyes. He always tryna be funny with that big as ankle monitor on his leg.

"Go ahead AK" I said making him laugh before going in my house.

I look Sincere as she got out the car and gave me a burger king bag. I looked through it before pulling out a french toast stick and eating it.

"You ate" I asked making her shake her head no as she stretched. She rarely ate, which pissed me off.

"I don't have a appetite" she said.

"Maybe if you were sober you would" I said making her smack her lips.

"Please don't start" she said making me roll my eyes.

"I'm just pointing out the obvious" I said.

"I'm done with this stupid ass conversation" she said before going inside. I smacked my lips before feeling a flick to the back of my head making me turn around to see AR.

"Thanks for the bathroom Ruby" he said with a bag of chips and a Gatorade in his hands.

"Go put my shit back AC" I said making him walk to his car and get in. He zoomed off as I shook my head before going inside.

"Cuz nigga I came through swerving" I heard Sincere sing from the bathroom. I opened the bathroom door seeing recording herself in the mirror. I tried to close the door back, but she grabbed my arm and pulled me in before closing the door.

"I look rough" I complained making her shrug. I smiled before grabbing her face and kissing her.

"I'm bout to go back to sleep" I said as she ended the video.

"Stay up with me" she said with her lip poked out.

"I'm sleepy" I said before sitting on the counter. She got in between my legs and buried her face in my neck.

"You always wanna sleep" she said lowly.

"It's 7 inna morning. I don't even wake up around this time" I said.

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