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Jatavia "Paris" Morgan
Hours later...

It was three in the morning and everybody was up for no reason. Oh wait we had a reason, Blu and Diamond were fighting.

"Sincere it's a simple question" I heard as me and Jay sat on the top stair being nosey. Might as well see what's going on since they stopping us from sleeping.

"Now you asking stupid questions. Of course I was eating Rocki's pussy. I was in a full blown relationship with her" Blu said making me laugh a little.

"No the question was were you eating her pussy and kissing on me" Diamond said.

"Damn Blu was messing with both of them at once, ok playa" Jay whispered making me shush him.

"Yea" Blu said after a long silence.

"Nasty bitch" Diamond said before he heard a loud slap.

"You got one more time to hit me Diamond and Imma beat yo ass" Blu said.

"You got one more time to cheat on me Sincere and Imma kill you" she responded. Blu done drove this poor girl to insanity.

"I didn't cheat" Blu said making Jay chuckle.

"What the fuck did you go to her house for then" Diamond asked.

"I didn't go" Blu said lowly.

"She can't tell you to come back  somewhere you never been to" Diamond said.

"That's her granny's place. I've been there before" Blu said.

"She funny as fuck" Jay whispered.

"Bitch you tryna be funny" Diamond asked.

"No Im just informing you" Blu said. She really testing that girl's patience.

"Sincere did you or did you not fuck that girl when you went over there" Diamond asked slowly.

"Diamond I didn't go over there to begin with" Sincere said.

"She not folding for shit" I whispered making Jay nod in agreement.

"Stop fucking lying" Diamond said as she clapped her hands in between her words. AR came out his room before sitting on the steps with us.

"What's tea" he whispered.

"Blu got caught cheating....again" I said lowly making him gasp.

"Why she doing my sis Ruby like that" he whispered.

"I'm telling the truth" Blu sighed.

"I saw the messages" Diamond said.

"Them messages ain't say I fucked her" Blu said.

"Right" AR mumbled making me mug him.

"You really taking me for a dumb bitch. Since you didn't fuck her, what did you go over there for" Diamond asked sounding annoyed.

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