Chapter twelve

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I stood nervously at the end of the corridor where their room is. Today is the day I tell them they're being adopted and tonight they're coming home with me.

I was scared to tell them in case on the off chance they didn't want me to adopt them but I have to keep reminding myself this is for their own good. Plus I know I'm their mate which is still a big thing to wrap my head around. I just don't understand why they didn't tell me but now that I look back I kind of understand why.

They may have their own reasons since I am a human and when they first came here they didn't like anyone and even if they allowed me to touch them and help them they still have their guards up with me.

But now they're more calm and started to become more friendly towards Jin and Namjoon and on the odd occasion, Minji and Hoseok too when they see them. It's just Yoongi I wish they would get along with but Yoongi hasn't been in all day today.

It was disappointing since I wanted to speak to him but I guess I'll have to speak to him another time.

Finally taking a deep breath did I start to make my way towards their room, strolling passed their window which had the curtains closed on the inside. But I paid no attention to it and unlocked their door with the passcode dialled into the key pad before it clicked open and I slowly began to push open the door. Just as it opened Jungkook was standing in the middle of the room shirtless but jumped out of fright and quickly picked up his t-shirt on Taehyungs bed just to leap up onto his top bunk bed, pulling the t-shirt over his head as he had done so.

"I'm sorry Jungkook I should of knocked."

I spoke softly, stepping inside the room just for it to close after me and now for me to stand in the middle of the room, three pairs of eyes on me curiously but more so from Taehyung sitting beside Jimin on Jimin's bed instead of his own.

"What's up Y/n? This isn't usually a time you come to see us." Taehyung

Raising a brow upon his serious face, just the stare alone made me all the more nervous and rather intimidated to be honest. Those deep brown eyes boring back at me so intensely I started to panic slightly on the inside if I should of had someone else break the news to them but maybe that would be much worse if they found out from someone else?

"Erm, there is something I want to tell all of you."

My eyes looking between Jimin and Taehyung. Taehyung didn't react but Jimin's eyes lit up surprised but shuffled closer to sit on the very edge of his bed, hands clasped together as if deeply interested.

"Talk to us about what?" Jimin

His soft voice calmed me slightly from my nerves and I smiled at him just to look up to Jungkook and smile up at him to see his doe eyes staring back at me sparkling with curiosity but yet he appeared so innocent with the way his bunny ear twitched as well as his nose.

"You're being adopted today."

Jimin standing up from the bed brought my attention back to him and away from the shocked bunny. Taking my hands into his which wasn't that surprising since Jimin likes to touch a lot, they all do apart from Taehyung, he's not that touchy compared to Jungkook and Jimin.

"Is this true? By who?" Jimin

"We're not going anywhere Y/n." Taehyung

His deep voice from the bed sent shivers down my spine but I kept a smile to my face, only keeping my focus on Jimin's saddened face.

"Well the papers have already been signed and you'll all be leaving together so you wont be separated."

I don't know why I was more nervous to tell them I was the one adopting them but I was scared. But hearing Taehyung suddenly growl loudly in the room which made me gasp and step back but with one hard tug from Jimin's hands I was pulled into his embrace, arms around my upper body and my face pressed against his chest. Just catching a glimpse of Jungkook jumping back off his bed and turning towards Taehyung who began to stand up angrily.

"I told you Y/n we're going no where. We're not leaving this place." Taehyung

"Even if it's not with me?"

I spoke against Jimin's chest and he stiffened upon hearing my words just to pull back slightly to allow me to look up at him. Even Jungkook rushed over to his side to look at me with questionable eyes as if asking me to repeat what I just said.

"What did you just say?" Jimin

"I should of just said from the beginning but it's me. I was the one that adopted all of you. Tonight you're all coming home with me."

I grinned up at Jimin and I swear his lips curved into a massive smile and his eyes to disappear from the puffiness of his cheeks.

"Really?" Jimin

I only nodded but when I opened my mouth to speak Jungkook suddenly came up behind me and wrapped his own arms around Jimin and I, hugging the both of us tightly. I could only laugh since it seems both Jimin and Jungkook liked that idea and were fully on board but now that left Taehyung who hasn't even said anything about it yet.


I called out his name, stepping back and forcing Jungkook to let me go so I could step to the side to see Taehyung standing there staring at the ground, his dark intense gaze burning holes into the ground as he clenched his jaw and balled up his fists.

"Taehyung are you okay?"

Taking one step closer to him I only halted in my steps when his eyes whipped up suddenly to meet mine.

"We're still not going Y/n." Taehyung

My jaw dropped and even Jungkook behind me gasped, making some sort of shocked noise. Jimin turned around so quick that I almost didn't see it and he rushed over to Taehyung side, confused but also showing upon his face that he didn't like what Taehyung said.

"What do you mean we're not going? This is Y/n we're talking about not some stranger." Jimin

Taehyung continued to stare at me blankly without even glancing Jimin's way but this only angered Jimin and he growled towards the wolf and flicked his forehead for attention. Taehyung snarled with annoyance, rubbing his head and finally removing his gaze from me to Jimin.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you. You may be in charge but I am the oldest here!" Jimin

"Okay and? I told you we're not going. We're not some object were anyone can just sign a piece of paper and determine where we live." Taehyung

The two were inching much closer to one another and the atmosphere grew thick with tension and not the good kind. I stepped back unsure of what was going to happen when the two became silent, angrily staring a tone another in silence but somehow moving closer to one another.

However I squeaked with fright when a pair of hands was placed on each side of my arms and pulled me back across the room towards the door. I looked up over my shoulder to meet Jungkook's worried gaze down at me, brows furrowed but eyes gentle. You could tell he was concerned about what was going to happen and I think the other two males are about to fight which means Jungkook wants me out.

When he gestured towards the door with a head nod I nodded back in understanding and approached the door just to open it but before I even left I whispered to Jungkook who was still standing close by like a bodyguard.

"We leave at 6.30 Jungkook okay? I'll come back later."

He nodded at me, a light smile upon his face which made me feel more at ease about the situation and I stopped out the room just to close the door just in time to hear two separate loud growls and caught a glimpse of Jungkook spinning on his heels and rushing towards them.

Even after the door was closed you could still hear them but I'm sure they would all sort this out soon. But I better go warn everyone else at work today that Taehyung is in a bad mood and tonight it may be a problem to get him to leave. But why doesn't he want to come with me?

I'm his mate and he doesn't want to leave this place and come live with me. I don't understand.

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