Chapter one

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(23 years later)

"Y/n can you please take over the front desk while I head to the bathroom? I'm desperate!"

I let out a laugh hearing my friend and co work Minji shout through the doors to the back office I was currently in.

"Yeah sure!"

I shouted back, standing up from the desk and pushing my chair back and leaving the office just in time to see Minji speed passed me towards another single white door as a matter of urgency.

Taking her seat behind the desk I looked at the computer screen to see the appointments that were upcoming for the day. I spotted my name a few times with my usual clients.

Working in a well known hybrid rehabilitation centre as well as a clinic is one of the best jobs I could ever ask for. I love it here and I grew up in with a family that have always helped out hybrids and believe that they should be treated just like humans. Not everyone agrees but I do.

Even my adopted brother, Hoseok believes in the same thing as I do and even works here with me. He's the one that helped me get this job in the first place through his two best friends that also work here. Jin, the go to doctor in emergencies and Namjoon the manager of this place and pretty much in charge of everything that happens here. Not to mention his family own this centre so he can do as he pleases with this place and he treats us all very well, human or hybrid. In fact he even gave Yoongi, our cat hybrid a job here working in the back mostly doing cleaning and stuff and helps out when needed. But still it's a job.

Yoongi is Hoseok and I's childhood hybrid that our parents took in when I was nine years old when the laws changed so that hybrids can be adopted into human homes. Yoongi, my brother and I are close but back when I was eighteen Yoongi and I had an agreement between us because I felt bad for him during his heat I helped him as you could say and that went on for a good three years until two years ago when he met Minji, his mate in life so obviously that stopped but I wasn't jealous. I was actually really happy that he found his mate.

Only my brother and Minji know of Yoongi and I's past agreement since it's not really any one else's business,

"Y/n what are you doing here at the front desk? It's not your turn."

I glanced over to Jin, walking through from the same door Minji ran through moments ago.

"Minji needed the bathroom so I'm keeping watch I guess in case anyone comes in or calls."

Jin walks over to the desk just to lean against it, propping up an elbow on the counter.

"That's funny because I just saw Minji with Yoongi just heading into the closet together." Jin

He scratched his chin, gazing up to the ceiling and I just sighed, rolling my eyes.

"Should of known. Oh well, I'm here now."

I shrugged it off not really caring, it's not like I was doing anything else in the office. In fact I was thinking on taking on a early lunch because today has been a slow day.

"Are you bored too?" Jin

"Yeah too bored. I don't like these slow boring days. I like to stay busy."

He hums in response and comes to walk around the long desk and squat down to the bottom drawer and take out a bag of chips. My favourite at that. My eyes widen to see the glorious bag and I let out a loud gasp.

"Here snack on them but don't tell Namjoon I gave them to you if he sees you." Jin

He threw the bag to my lap and closed the drawer. I squealed in excitement and opened the bag up and stuffing my face of chips. Jin chuckled and stood back up and walked back around the desk again to stand in front of me and acted as if he wasn't just on the other side of the desk and gave me food.

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