Chapter six

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Even after watching that girl, Y/n leave I couldn't take my eyes off the door. Her scent still lingered in the air of this bedroom and I could even hear Jungkook sniffing the air lightly from behind me. Only could I tell by the direction of the noise from his position on the top bed.

I like her.

But I can't have her think we trust her. I had to make that clear but for her, she asks or even so much as tells me to do something I will do it. No questions asked.

She's my mate after all.

I knew that straight away and so did Jimin and Jungkook.

Staring at the door, I just couldn't move from that spot, her scent was the strongest here and I didn't want to leave that spot.

"Taehyung." Jimin

I grunted, placing my hands to my hips and forcing myself to turn around to face them. Both sharing the same smug look on their faces, exchanging looks.

"I thought we weren't going to talk to anyone?" Jimin

"Yeah you broke your own rule." Jungkook

The two laughed at me and I rolled my eyes to them, walking over to the window to peak out just to be sure no one was around outside and luckily there wasn't. Y/n had already gone. Disappointedly.

"Are we really going to eat that?" Jimin

I turned around again, seeing Jimin point to the tray of food to my left.

Stepping closer to the small table that Y/n had placed it on, I took off the plastic covering just to see it was the typical breakfast. Pancakes with little packets of butter. Really I like fruit with mine but I guess this will do. Bending over I sniffed the first plate, just to be sure there wasn't anything that smelled off about it. You can never be too sure. But all I could smell was just to fluffy baked Pancake. It smelled really good actually.

"It smells alright."

"Oh! Mine!" Jungkook

Jungkook jumped off the top bed, rushing over in a blink second to grab the plate and one bottle of water just to jump back up on his bed and begin to devour the pancakes.

"Pancakes? Do they feed everyone here this or are they trying to sweeten us up or something?" Jimin

I shrugged not really knowing what to say. That could be the case but it wont buy our trust if that is what they're doing. Picking up a bottle of water I threw one to Jimin which he caught before it flew over his head and almost falling back completely on his bed. I took off the second cover on the next plate, sniffing it again but it was okay. Taking the plate I wondered over to Jimin, offering the plate to him but he took it with wondering eyes.

"It smells fine Jimin."

"It tas-mmm, go-to." Jungkook

Both Jimin and I looked up to the bunny on the bed, happily chewing his food, mouth full.

"Don't talk with your mouth full Jungkook."

He shrugged at me, placing his plate to the side and unscrewing the cap off his water.

"Are you going to have yours too?" Jimin

I walked back over to the tray again, taking the cover off picking up the plate in my hands.

"Nah, if you two die then I know it was poisoned."

Jimin froze, shoulders tensing mid way to taking a bite of his pancake while Jungkook spat out his water only making me laugh at the two of them.

"I'm joking. I wouldn't let you eat anything like that. Chill."

I felt something small launch to my head from an above source. Looking down to the floor I see a small packet of butter by the looks of it just to glare up at Jungkook who was now pretending he didn't do such a thing by resuming back to eating.

"That wasn't funny Tae." Jimin

"It was funny to me. Now eat your food."

He scoffed at me but did as I told him. Eating his pancakes as I also did the same but to sit on my bed while I ate. It wasn't that bad actually for being in a place like this. Not what I imagined would be for breakfast but I'm not complaining about it either. I just hope that Y/n is the one to come back for the tray so I could see her again.

After finishing, I piled up all our plates together on the tray but we kept our water's since we weren't finished with them.

I laid back on my bed, enjoying the comforts since I injured my wrist I've been quite uncomfortable but its healing nicely too. Perks of being a hybrid I guess.

Jimin also laid down on his bed, staring up at Jungkooks bed above us and I could only imagine Jungkook doing the same since his feet disappeared from hanging off the sides.

"So what are we gonna do about this girl? We didn't plan to get caught Taehyung so we have to get out of here." Jimin

"I know that. I'll think of something."

There was a moment of silent between the three of us. I just tried to think of ways to get out of here. This is an adoption place where our kind are given to humans to live with and god knows what happens after that. I don't want to find out and I definitely don't; want to be separated from Jimin and Jungkook. We've known each other all our lives.

The door made a beep sound and it opened again.

I jumped up from the bed, tense and ready for who ever dared to enter but as soon as I smelt her scent before she stepped inside fully, I relaxed and tried not to smile in anyway and keep my expression blank so she couldn't read it.

She stepped inside, closing the door behind her. I just stared at her without a word and she just stood there staring back dropping her smile for just a second before she replaced it again.

"Are you all done? I can come back if you're not." Y/n

God it was so hard not to give her a smile or just to reach out and touch her. That was all I wanted to do, grab her and make her mine but humans are different you cant go around doing things like this.

"We're done, thanks."

Her smile widen and her cheeks turned pink. Nodding her head to walked over to the tray only for Jimin to beat her too it. Standing up and picking up the tray to gently pass over to her but he didn't say anything to her. He didn't even crack a smile either, just bore blank expression like I did.

She giggled.


Taking the tray from Jimin she bowed her head and headed back to the door. All the while I was just standing in the middle of the room watching her. Again unlocking the door, she pulled it open but had trouble keeping it open for her to slip out so I walked over, held it open for her just to see her gasp and stare up at me widening her eyes.

I held the door open, staring right back at her. She looked so cute frozen like that.

"Are you going to walk out or what?"

She blinked a few times, coming out of what ever that was she just did and nodded, mumbling a small thank you and then walked out so I could let go of the door. I could of ran out of here. Push her to the side and bolt it out of here but I didn't. For one I couldn't leave Jungkook and Jimin behind and two I didn't want to leave her behind either.

The room filled with silence again and I again was staring at the door after it closed.

"I like her." Jungkook

"Me too. Tae what are we going to do?" Jimin

I hummed more to myself in thought, staring at the plain white door.

One thing for sure is the three of us need to get out of here but....we can't leave her either.

"We'll get out of here. I'll make a plan but......we'll take the girl with us."

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