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(23 years ago)

A couple ran through the burning wooded forest as fast as they could. Desperate to get to safety but each in hand two children. The man hybrid held his own two year old son, a wolf hybrid just like him in one arm and a three month old human little girl in the other. His mate and wife, she too carried two little boys. One little two year old wild cat hybrid and a one year old bunny hybrid.

The adults running as fast as they could through the forest, all the while mourning the loss of their life long friends that were hunted and burnt out their homes deep in the forest by humans that wanted them dead.

Hybrids are treated unfairly, either captured for god knows what reasons or killed. Neither of the running two want anything of that to happen especially to the young ones.

Their home was gone, everyone they knew is gone, nothing was left but themselves and what they had on their backs. The trees swarmed in fire and the air filled with smoke but thankfully they didn't have to fight off anymore humans that were trying to hunt them down.

The couple had managed to get away and finally in no time out the dangerous woods leaving everything behind but even coming out the dangerous environment, gasping for air and taking deep breaths of the more clear air now that they're a distance away, all they could think about was what to do next.

Standing in the middle of nowhere they had no option but to continue walking with these children in their arms just heading in one direction.

The children became restless, especially the baby girl as she became hungry and tired after all the chaos that currently happened hours before hand. This little girls fuss and stirring began to set off the three little boys. The four children sharing a close bond already even with being so young and the girl to only be of three months. Straight away the boys took to her so easily and it's hard to separate them from the baby. They always want to be with her but only do the couple know of what that intel's just as their fallen friends also knew.

Walking in silence apart from a few noises from the children and now that the baby girl was in the arms of the female hybrid she was more calm but still hungry which worries the couple a lot.

They walked for hours in one direction until they finally came to a stop on the outskirts of the forest to find a row of houses in what looks like a friendly, clean neighbourhood.

The woman knew of what her husband was think as he stared at each house, studying the environment hard.

"Soobin, please don't tell me you're actually considering this?"

The male hybrid set down the two boys and kneeled down to their level but eyes not removing from the one house that caught his eyes the most.

"We have no choice Mina. She'll be better off with humans." Soobin

Mina too squatted down and placed the one year old bunny down to stand on his feet but come to hold hands with the wild cat hybrid boy.

"But what about the boys?! What about the promise me made Minho and Nancy?! We promised them we would take care of her!" Mina

She whisper yelled at him, glaring at her husband in total disbelief. Mina didn't want to give up the baby girl, she was all that was left of her best friends and wanted nothing more than to carry out her friends dying wish.

"Don't you think I know that?! This is the best way to take care of her Mina! She's a human girl, she has no life with hybrids like us! You and I both know this!" Soobin

Soobin didn't want to let her go either. He so desperately wanted to keep her too but knows they couldn't. None of them could. The difference is they're hybrids, part animal they can live out in the wild where as for a human it's much harder and the baby needs milk. Which none of them have as of right now.

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