17. Fate

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Rudra walked out from the bathroom. after having a nice shower he was feeling better.
He didn't find Rishi in the room so he went out, he heard Richa's loud voice but couldn't get the words clearly.......
He followed her voice through kitchen and called her...

"Richa...... "

When he entered into the kitchen he saw Richa wiping her eyes and Rishi was cutting onions on chopboard.

"Richa,  what happened!!!!! Why are you crying..?? "

"Nothing.... "

Richa said and walked away...

Rudra looked at Rishi..

"She is not feeling good "

"Why!!?? "

"It's not rocket science my friend, she was waiting for you to wake up from last 10 months. and when you did, you  didn't even remember her ........
she is upset, but not with you of course, it's not your fault but that doesn't mean that it won't hurt her.
She is in a very fragile state right now, and she doesn't want to stress you about it because of your health issues.
Just give her some time okay... "

Rudra nodded his head,  he was staring at the way Richa went....

Rishi pat his shoulder....

"Women's are very strong creatures from inside, though they look fragile on outside. They may shed tears easily but they can endure much-much more than Men's, like you and me can"

Rudra hummmed in agreement.

During dinner Rishi was thinking about Richa, he has to go to his house after dinner but he knew Richa doesn't want to stay with Rudra, alone. He wasn't feeling easy about it too but what he can do??

"Rishi...  What are you thinking about so hard, you are not even eating properly "

Rudra asked....

Rishi looked down at his plate and found it still full....

"How can someone eat this bland food!!??"

Rishi said making a sulky face..

Richa looked up from her plate, to Rishi and then Rudra.....

"Doctor said HE can't eat spicy food, and suggested to start with some lite and bland food so I cooked this, I will cook something else for you, quickly "

Richa said, ready to stand up from the table..

"No, it's ok Richa " said Rishi

But she didn't stop and tried to stand up in a hurry, her feet got stucked on dinning table leg and she fell down.
Rishi and Rudra both hurried towards her...

"Richa are you okay!!???!! "

"Richa I told you it's okay, why you didn't listen!!??!! "

Both said at the same time...

Richa was holding her ankle, she was not in much pain but she didn't reply. right now she just wanted to stay alone, away from RUDRA.....  She was constantly feeling his eyes on her and this was making her uneasy.

Rudra tried to touch her ankle ..

"Let me look..... "

Richa jerked away from his touch..

"Noooo,  don't touch"

"Is it paining this much.??. "

Rudra asked confused....

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