29. Revelations.....

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Rudra was humming happily, looking outside from the window of his car.

"Sir is something special today ?? you look really happy after a long time "

His driver asked, throwing a glance at him while driving. Rishi hired him for Rudra, because Rudra still not comfortable by driving himself.

"Yeah... today is very very special day,  after a long time, trying to remember anything, I finally remembered something and I am so happy, so excited to share it with Rishi and Richa"

Rudra said smiling happily

Today when he was sending off Rashmi and Rohan at the Airport, he felt a little pain in his head which turned unbearable by the time he said goodbye to the couple. he clutched his spinning head between his palms and sat down on a chair near by.

His vision was blurring and light felt too bright for his eyes, he closed his eyes tightly and tried to breathe deeply.

Suddenly he saw few images passing through his closed eyelids.

A man and a woman holding hands, laughing happily,  a beautiful house with a backyard garden, blooming with colourful flowers. Then he saw the man lifting the woman up in his arms, bridal style and spin her around, the woman was clutching the man's shoulders tightly and laughing loudly, throwing her head back.

Then his vision change and he found the man in a car, driving through a busy road, darkness around him and the headlights of other vehicles were blinding.... Suddenly there was a loud honk and everything becomes so bright...... There was a booming sound of a crash and everything went black after that.

Rudra was breathing heavily with his head buried in his hands. After few seconds he recovered from the shock of having those memories whirling around his head.

He didn't saw the face of the man and woman in his vision, clearly but somehow he knew that it was him and his wife.

Those images were the reminders of his past.....

Past which was forgotten.....

Past which he was trying his hardest to remember everyday

Rudra broke into a relived grin,  finally after a long wait he remembered something.

He will get his memories back.... Soon.... Very soon.

Rudra entered the house bouncing on his feets, he couldn't control his excitement and anticipation of their reactions when he will tell them the news.

The house was unusually calm.

'Did Rishi slept already  ??
Maybe.....he looked really tired '

'Is Richa still sleeping....
Did I tire her out badly last night  ??'

A smile broke free on his face with the memories of last night

Finally Richa accepted him.... Completely.... as her husband

He walked towards her room

But the room was empty.... Bed was  still messy....

Rudra was about to turn away when he heard the sound of something shattering from the bathroom

He hurriedly walked towards the bathroom, worried about Richa

But he froze on the vision in front of him

Richa was crying hysterically and throwing things around without looking where to....
While covering her obvious, naked body with the bedsheet around herself , clutched in her left hand

Rishi was there too....

He was trying to hold her hands and asking her to calm down

Rudra didn't know what to make with the scene in front of him.

"What's happening here....?? "

Rudra asked in a loud but lost voice

Rishi and Richa both turned their heads towards him

Their eyes full of anger and betrayal

Rudra was shocked by their hateful stare at his face

Richa sat down on the wet floor and started crying again

Rishi raked his fingers through his hairs and clutched them tightly in his palms

He kicked the broken brush holder on the floor, beside his leg and shouted frustratingly

"Ahhhhh.....hhhh... "

Rudra was confused and irritated too

'what is Rishi doing here...??  In Richa's bathroom... Why Richa is still naked..... And why she is looking at me like that and crying?? '

His mind was buzzing with questions

"What are you doing here Rishi?? "

Rudra asked

Rishi whipped his head towards him and walked ahead

"How dare you touch her??... "

Rishi grabbed his collar in his fist

Rudra was stunned

But he broke out from his trance and jerked his hands away

"Who are you to ask me that....?? She is my wife...its between her and me"

Rudra said angrily


suddenly Richa shouted from behind and stood up

Rudra looked at her with confusion

"You took advantage of me when I was drunk...."

Richa accused him

"Richaaaa... What are you saying..??
I took advantage of you..?? "

Rudra replied in disbelief

"Yes you did.... You Raped me... "

Richa shouted with so much hate in her voice

"RICHA.... it was you who kissed me first.... I.. I... Even tried to stop you... I said that you are drunk and you should sleep... But you said that you missed me... That you love me.... It was you who started to undress yourself... I tried to resist at the start but... I was drunk too.... I lost my control.... But it certainly didn't happen without consent... "

Rudra said with anger... Pain and hurt in his voice...

Richa started crying again after hearing that

Rishi tried to stop her

"I wasn't talking about you.... I wasn't missing you... I was missing my Rudra"

Richa said in a broken voice

"I am your Rudra...?? "

Rudra said more confused

"No... No you are not... You are not my Rudra... You are Rishi.... You are him.."

Richa shouted in a loud voice pointing her finger at Rishi

"He is MY RUDRA.... he is You.... You are just in his body.... You are not him.... You are not my husband "

Richa completed her sentence looking straight to his eyes

"What.... "

Rudra was stunned....

He couldn't understand what was she saying......

How can it be possible......

How can he be Rishi......

How can Rishi be him.....

How can he be in someone else's body....


How is it possible...??

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