22. Why ??

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Rishi had a successful meeting in his office today. His boss was very pleased with his presentation and gave him the credit for signing this huge contract with a high profile company. His boss invited all the employees for a dinner to celebrate the success.

Rishi was sitting in an expensive restaurant, surrounded by his office colleagues. He was praised by all the coworkers again and again.
but he was only smiling in a robotic manner, his smile didn't reach his eyes, Because his mind and heart wasn't at peace, there was a hurricane inside him and his soul was burning in a hell.


Because he saw Richa laying in the bed, holding Rudra's hand, with him sitting beside her.
They were both sleeping peacefully.
They were looking like a cozy couple.
And seeing them together like that made him furious.
He was so ready to strom into the room and tore away Rudra from Richa's side.

She was HIS wife....

How dare he can touch her like that??

Flashback ........

Rishi was trying to call Richa, after the meeting.
He was happy with the results of the meeting and wanted to share it with her but she wasn't picking up the phone. It never happened before. He was getting worried now...

"Rishi... We will leave for dinner after half an hour "

His boss said, walking to his direction.

"Ummm Boss can I.... "

" No Rishi, No excuses... You are the star of the celebration. We cracked the contract because of you. Don't you dare to bail out on us, we all are going to celebrate.......Together.......and that's FINAL.. OK "

Rishi was troubled but unable to deny.

" Boss let me go n change my clothes, I will meet you guys at the restaurant "

Rishi tried to ask

" You are looking absolutely handsome in this attire my dear, I don't think there is any need to change of clothes "

His boss patted his shoulder

"Actually I have some guest at my house, I just want to check on them"

"Oh,  you can invite them too "

His boss offered

"No My friend is not in a good health, he is here for his treatment. I don't want to disturb his rest "

Rishi tried to reason

"Oh Ok..Ok.. You go ahead then, we will wait for you at the restaurant "

"Thank you Boss"

"It's ok, but don't be late "

Rishi nodded his head and ran out of the office.

When he reached home, it was dark and silent....
Rishi felt uneasy....
He called Rudra... But didn't get any reply.
He called Richa.... But result was the same.
He peeked into Rudra's room but the room was empty, he knocked on the open door to check if he is in the washroom but only silence greeted him.

He walked towards Richa's room and peeked inside...

He stopped short on his spot....

His word came to a standstill

His expression turn from confused to horrified

Richa was sleeping on the bed, holding Rudra's hand in between her palms.
And Rudra was sleeping in a sitting position besides her. His head was tilted back on the headboard. His one hand was secure in Richa's hands and another one was resting on her head, his fingers were threaded through her hairs.

His heart sank...

He turned abruptly and walked out of the house.

End of Flashback.....

"Rishi what are you thinking about so hard..?? "

His Boss's voice broke him up from his revive.

"Nothing Boss, just thinking about my friend "

"What's his health issues are??
Is anything serious..?? "

" No Boss nothing of that sort. Don't worry "

"If that's the case why are you not enjoying, afterall this celebration is in your honor "

Rishi smiled at his boss and buisied himself in talk about this new project.
He wanted to take off his mind from that horrifying image of Richa sleeping beside Rudra, holding his hand.


A/N - I m really sorry for the delay in updates. Life was hard these past few days.  But I m trying to overcome from the hardships of fate.
I will try my best to update regularly from now on. I know this chapter is very short but I wanted to end it here....  In next one you will read the reaction of Richa about this miss understanding.
Thank you for still reading this story 🙏🙏

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