10. AGAIN....

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Richa was stairing at Rudra's face, she was searching any signs of awareness but there was none. He was sleeping peacefully. but Richa wasn't at peace, She was anxious........
She was confused..... and most of all She was angry........ Angry on herself for feeling happy with someone else other than Rudra, and she was angry at Rudra too for letting her be alone for so long to feel like that.

Her phone beeped... She looked at her phone and there was a message from Rishi....

'Hey Richa, where are you?? '

'At the hospital '
She replied

'OK,....how's your husband '

'Same as yesterday, what's the matter with you '

'Can you help me?? '

'For what?? '

'My boss is coming for a dinner at my place'

'So....?? '

'He loves Indian food '

'And.... '

'He loves home cooked food '

'Anddd.... '

'Anddd....I really suck at cooking..... and I have burned down half of my kitchen already'

Richa laughed after reading that...

'Don't laugh at me, help me pleaseeeee.... '

'How did you knew ,that i was laughing at you '

'So you were really laughing at me 🙄, I just took a guess'

'Ok, what help do you need?? '

'Of course I need your help to cook the dinner, for my boss'
'You can't teach me how to cook properly in just two hours na... '

She smiled and replied

'Ok, just send me the address, I'll be there in few minutes '

Richa looked up from her phone to Rudra's face....

"He always reminds me of you "

"Is that why I feel happy with him??"

"Please Rudra... wake up soon Sona...
I m Scared.......
Scared of being alone ....
Scared of getting close to him... "

Richa picked up her purse and walked out from the hospital room.

At Rishi's House....

Rishi was looking at the wall clock and back to the kitchen.
He shook his head and looked at the door, praying for listening the sound of his doorbell.
His doorbell rang, he ran to the door and snatched it open, Richa was standing outside the door, her eyes widened when she looked at Rishi....
her lips twiched slightly but she refrains herself from smiling openly.
Rishi's face was half coverd in flour, his hair were decorated with green leaves, his clothes were colourful with flour, tomatoes pulp and turmeric powder, there was some other stuff too but she couldn't recognize those. and he was smiling so broadly like he has achieved something great.

"Hey Richa, there you are, I was waiting for you, for so long , come inside we have to do so much in a very short period of time, Come quickly ... "

He held her hand and pulled her inside, didn't give her a chance to say anything or even react for, him holding her hand. he closed the door behind him and walked towards the kitchen with Richa's hand in his.

Richa was shocked when she walked in to the kitchen, it was a complete disaster ....

"Was there a Earthquake today which I didn't realize somehow ?? "

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